Jonathan Rollans

I can’t be certain if this is my main or my alt account, but you’re here and I’m here, so, hello!

I’m a and a lover of (most of my “hobby time” is spent working on various bits of server software with a recent heavy lean towards ).

This account resides on an instance of (an ActivityPub server software) running on .

Also, I’m a lifelong, massive, fan. I love it all, I don’t hate on any Trek, it’s all good. Especially the bad.


46 following 13 followers

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Jonathan Rollans »

I have state Medicaid and I did some rough estimates on how much must be spent per year on my healthcare solely based on my medication. It’s a mind-boggling number.


That number is the cost per prescription receipt totaled and there could be subsidies or some other price-breaks that the state may get. Next I’ll see if can find out approximately how much the rest of my healthcare costs. It’s gotta be at least a similar number.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The crazy thing is that if I were to still live in a state like Texas that doesn’t have an extended Medicaid program I would get none of that extremely expensive healthcare.

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Space Feed boosted

Jonathan Rollans »

My partner and I just finished the entirety of the series (like all of it) and it was a really great ride. I’m actually really glad I never watched anything prior to and of course the original movie when it came out. There was a lot of cheese in places (especially in SG1), but I personally like cheese.

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Jonathan Rollans »

There were also some really great sci-fi concept episodes in all the different shows. Especially loved the time dilation because of black hole at the other end of the Stargate episode!

Cavyherd »


& as Wormhole X-Treme suggests, they were fully, completely aware of the cheese throughout all the series.

If you haven't already & have Netflix, check out Travelers. Also Brad Wright.


President created this message to travel on Voyager 1. It's still out there traveling at 40,000 mph, looking for a cosmic community to catch it and play the media.


This Voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet Earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization.

We cast this message into the cosmos. It is likely to survive a billion years into our future, when our civilization is profoundly altered and the surface of the Earth may be vastly changed. Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, some -- perhaps many -- may have inhabited planets and spacefaring civilizations. If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message:

This is a present from a small distant world,

a token of our sounds, our science, our images,

our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We

are attempting to survive our time so we may

live into yours. We hope someday, having solved

the problems we face, to join a community of

galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good

will in a vast and awesome universe.

/‘g/ == 427, fee . : Presidenf of the United States of America < 2 2 THE WHITE HOUSE, June 16, 1977

Alt...STATEMENT This Voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet Earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization. We cast this message into the cosmos. It is likely to survive a billion years into our future, when our civilization is profoundly altered and the surface of the Earth may be vastly changed. Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, some -- perhaps many -- may have inhabited planets and spacefaring civilizations. If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message: This is a present from a small distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe. /‘g/ == 427, fee . : Presidenf of the United States of America < 2 2 THE WHITE HOUSE, June 16, 1977

Niki Tonsky »

I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning

Diagram with large number: 2.7.123
First “2” is commented: Proud version. Bump when you are proud of the release
Second “7” is commented: Default version. Just normal/okay releases
Third “123” is commented: Shame version. Bump when fixing things too embarrassing to admit

Alt...Diagram with large number: 2.7.123 First “2” is commented: Proud version. Bump when you are proud of the release Second “7” is commented: Default version. Just normal/okay releases Third “123” is commented: Shame version. Bump when fixing things too embarrassing to admit

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Jonathan Rollans »

I really hate how much of a clunker the Steam app on macOS is. Its startlingly bad and it so laggy it feels like its only running at about 15 FPS just to scroll. I know its still running x86_64, but damn, its the only one that feels like that via Rosetta!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I feel like having commercially paid influencers on any social media platform as a positive is a hard argument to make, as one of the “unpaid” users of the platform. I might be a little unusual though, I view paid commercially funded content posters as exactly that, they literally are commercials. They’re just ads for things and I have skipped ads one way or another since the 1990s.

Jonathan Rollans »

Ok, so Threads flipped the switch that allows folks within the Threads system to follow people who are posting elsewhere in the fediverse (like Mastodon, Pixelfed, miscellaneous nerdy #ActivityPub server). Here’s where to find me (if it actually works) and

Have a feeling that second one won’t work, we shall see…


Jonathan Rollans » ah yes, I forgot about the long damn delay before a Threads post actually makes it out into the federated world.

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Jonathan Rollans » Well look at that! Seems like Threads does know about my little social media server.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Regardless of why became a holiday and the history behind it, I view it as a day to be with family and be thankful for having them. So happy Thanksgiving!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Of course the “firehose” is being used like this. The simple fact that it’s an enormous public fountain of information makes it a great target for training models. And in sure it’s being done with as well. No matter what people think, the Fediverse is being ingested into training models and all sorts of other things.

The only way to make sure you don’t contribute to things like this is to not participate in public internet social media services.

sam ✅🇬🇪 »

are there any snac users that are successfully following someone on bluesky via bridge? I'm just wanting to verify that it's working before I tell friends on bluesky how to bridge their account. Any recommended accounts to follow that are already bridged?

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Jonathan Rollans »

The bridge has been working fairly well for me and I see other posts from time to time from folks on Bluesky that I don’t follow. However, I saw a day or two ago that the bridge had been temporarily paused due to the massive influx of new users. Not sure if it’s been fired up again yet!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Some mornings are better than others… I’ve been having terrible migraines for over a week and this morning I only have the faintest ghost of one. Here’s hoping it stays that way or disappears entirely!

stig atle »

Which ios client works best with a instance?
Im getting a bit tired of using browser to be honest.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been using Mona and it’s quick and most things work, that I use at least. Would love to use Ivory, but there seems to be some incompatibility that I can’t track down.


stig atle »

Mona caused my instance to crash. But thanks for the tip! The quest continues :)
Other clients mostly load the feed wrong or refuses to log in. If I had the cash I’d buy a mac mini and would start development of a client, but my wallet currently says no :p

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Jonathan Rollans » Oh! I haven’t experienced any server crashes during my use of Mona. I’d love to build an iOS snac centric app, but time is far too short for me these days.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The frequency that I’m getting for the past two weeks is horrible. I’m really
Hoping to Botox injections start making an appreciable difference.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Oh boy, about to have to help my dad “fix his TV” via FaceTime. Sounds like maybe he’s just got it set to the wrong input, which I hope is the case, because I am already burnt out and I don’t think I got any troubleshooting left in my body.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Yup, wrong input, but the remote control for the TV is missing… so it involved lots of cussing and fumbling about with hard-to-reach buttons hidden on the back-side of the TV that had no clear labeling. In the end we got it working again.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.62 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added a new user option to collapse top level threads by default.

Added a new disable_block_notifications boolean field to server.json to disable the notifications of Block activities.

Added a new strict_public_timelines boolean field to server.json to only show an account's posts and boosts (no trees) in public timelines.

Fixed repeated images in posts from some implementations (those that include an image both as an attachment and as an <img> tag inside the post content).

Added a small HTML/CSS tweak to improve post previews from some implementations (contributed by nyanide).

Notifications for EmojiReact activities now show the emoji.

New command-line action insert, to insert a post by its URL in a user's timeline.

Fixed bad processing/rendering of URLs with two or more @ symbols.

If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay:

This release has been inspired by the song Subways Of Your Mind by .

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve gotten 46 text messages since 7:30 AM this morning (it’s 11:10 AM now) and every single one of them has been “vote republican” bullshit, but they’re all for North Carolina. I live in Colorado.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Even if I were inclined to vote conservative, I don’t believe I could vote for any of these politicians amidst the overwhelming amount of spam I’ve been receiving for the past week. On principle alone, I find it reprehensible that they would resort to SMS bombing like this.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve let my programming skills languish for so many years now that I practically don’t remember anything of use anymore, but lately I’ve really been wanting to get back into it. I know I want to do something with , but I’m not sure what.

Nanoraptor »

If you were born before March 1994 then you're older than most people.


Daniel Reeders »

@NanoRaptor and that hurt my feelings dot png

Squid! »

@NanoRaptor I didn't believe it so I checked the math and

I'm not sure about the exact month but this is basically accurate

that's terrifying


Nanoraptor »

@squid yeah I picked a stat of 30.6 years median age, 11176 days, 11176 days ago is March 16th.

Close enough for a shitpost, and if it's not true now it will be soon enough.


Squid! »

@NanoRaptor Oh, I mean, I calculated it by working out (current world population - (world population in 1994 - the number of people who died since 1994))

Assuming all the people who have died since 1994 were alive prior to 1994, about 49% of people alive today were alive in 1994. And like, I know that's not mathematically rigorous but it's 'close enough for jazz', as my statistics professor would put it.

Emil "AngryAnt" Johansen »

@NanoRaptor I'm seeking refuge in the local medium age being 42,3. Being from 85, that still just about serves me.

I might consider a longer stay in Japan in the near future though.


Nanoraptor »

@AngryAnt I have memories of feeling old that pre-date your birth!


Nanoraptor »

@AngryAnt No really. I had an announcement on the radio that I'd turned 13 and was a teenager now, and I remember standing in the doorway of my room looking out at the world going "ungh. It's just going to get worse from now on isn't it?!"

July 1984.


Emil "AngryAnt" Johansen »

@NanoRaptor I mean it was 1984 - I think an "ugh" was warranted in general?

Otte Homan - remember Geordie »

@NanoRaptor ? Census 2021 had median age at 37m and 39f ... so roughly 38. That would make 1986ish the cut-off for "younger/older than most people" ?

Skjeggtroll »

@NanoRaptor And wiser! (Look, just let me have my illusions, okay? They mean a lot to me.)

Tom »

@NanoRaptor Does that mean I get to be in charge of the remote?

Deadly Headshot »

I guess I'm a greybeard then?

Enigma Voice »

@NanoRaptor there's so many words in English and you had to choose these.

Ceolaf »

@NanoRaptor What's most interesting is thinking about the deviations from that.

Where (geographically) is that true, and where is not true?

What are the contexts in appears not to be true? e.g., where do we simply skip counting kids? Where do young *adults* voluntarily fail to show up?

For example, the median *voter* in the *US* is around 50 years old, but the median (living) *person* on *earth* is around 30.

DanSmithCreates »

@NanoRaptor I have decided to stay put and let the younger ones catch up. (early 1960s 🌞

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BeAware boosted

Jonathan Rollans »

My medication that I take for migraines would cost $11,579.64 a year if it weren’t for the state funded health insurance that I have. That’s just bonkers…


BeAware »

@jrollans we live in a dystopia.🤦‍♂️😔


Cabel Sasser »

i just read the absolutely saddest twelve-word short story

“The Church of Scientology has reportedly purchased the Jim Henson Studios Lot”


Craig Hockenberry »


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Jonathan Rollans »

This weather is bonkers, yesterday it was 60° F and today it’s 90° F.

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in reply to »

Jonathan Rollans » I know I’ve seen a site that basically lists statistics for all the different ActivityPub servers, just can’t remember where it was. Maybe it would be possible to get a rough calculation based on info there?


BeAware »

@jrollans @Turnimunt


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Jonathan Rollans » @jrollans Ah, that’s it. Thanks for the reminder!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I would be curious to see the amount of monthly active users federating via that are _not_ using as their server instance. Basically I want to know the number of folks that actively use the sans Mastodon statistics.

Anyone got an idea?


BasicAppleGuy »

No ads. No trackers. No subscriptions. No Cost. Just wallpapers.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I feel like subscriptions of any kind should be partially opt-in after the fact. It should not be possible for a company to debit your account in perpetuity. There should be some law or regulation that requires companies that offer subscriptions to contact you for authorization every so often (like every three months or something).

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Jonathan Rollans »

For the first time since I moved here back in 2016 it has rained the _entire_ day. I miss days like this.

BeAware »

Guess I'm not getting the latest iPhone update cause I'm on "Developer Beta"?

Not sure how that makes sense, since the developer beta hasn't been updated in 2 weeks, but I guess I'm just stuck here for now...😒

Don't mind me, I'll just be over here👉 being very annoyed.


Childless Bambino »



BeAware »

@kendricklmao8 seems that since I'm on the dev beta and it updated two weeks ago, I might not get this one since the changes are probably super minor.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Kinda feel like I’m gonna pop when it gets up there.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Lately I’ve been dealing with some elevated blood pressure and I gotta say, it’s really not pleasant. Apparently some folks can’t tell if their BP is high, I definitely can.

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Jonathan Rollans »

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Jonathan Rollans »

It’s such a massive relief that the heat wave finally broke, I was starting to think that it would never cool down. I actually put on a hoodie today!

Jonathan Rollans »

I just read a comment on a thread that said something to the effect of “I preferred the internet that wasn’t driven by profit focused influencers” and it made me realize that I loathe that profit-driven focus of social networks these days.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I run deliveries for extra cash on occasion and I’m fairly certain something has gone wrong with the app as far as assigning deliveries. I live in a small town, but usually I’ll catch a few orders in an hour, but about a week ago the app will claim it’s “Very Busy” so I’ll log in and nothing. Sometimes for well over an hour! I’d love to know how their algorithm determines what driver to send orders to.

Jonathan Rollans »

The new Vitals feature in the app is pretty neat. No new data really, but a straightforward way to visual data. When I got a couple weeks ago I felt awful and there was no doubt that I was sick, but interestingly the day before I started feeling bad the Vitals app showed “Outliers” in my sensor data. High body temperature, fast respiration, rapid heart beat, etc…

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m hearing some fantastic thunder right now! I wish there was a straightforward way to share audio recordings via . There probably is, but I am unaware of it…

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Jonathan Rollans »

I thought of a useful idea for an open source project today and I’m wondering if I have the skills to make it so… it’s like Pi-hole, but for phone call blocking. A crowdsourced database of spam, scam, and otherwise phone numbers that an app can pull from to block said numbers. Not sure about Android, but iOS has an API for call blocking.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m so very much over this heatwave… I moved to Colorado to escape the blistering heat of Texas and I had 7 years of relief from the scorch, but this summer feels just like “home”.

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Jonathan Rollans »

There’s this fish & chips food truck that comes through town every month or so and damn it’s good stuff. Pretty sure my cholesterol would be through the roof if I had regular access to it.

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Jonathan Rollans »

has struck again! I’m very sick… woke up this morning with a fever and having bizarre hallucinations about try dig out some kind of gemstones from the dirt. Kinda sounds cool, but it was absolutely not. This has been my third experience with having Covid.

Craig Hockenberry »

The thing that really gets me about this screen capture situation in the next version of macOS is that it lays bare the hubris of security folks.

I bet they rarely take screenshots - all their work is low-level internal mechanisms. What good is an image of a SHA hash going to do them?

Meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands of developers working with designers, clients, managers, and other folks who want to see the current state of their work.

We take a shit-ton of screenshots.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The last round of Botox injections I had for migraine prevention did not work very well at all. Which means I’m in the middle of a three month block of much higher migraine frequency.

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Jonathan Rollans »

While picking up a family member from the airport, which is 230 miles from where we live, the car broke down. The alternator gave out and died just south of the airport after we picked up our passenger. It’s been quite a day. We’re all still waiting for help to arrive any then it’s still a 3.5 hour drive home.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Not to mention I was stuck standing in the desert with the sun beating down on me and air quality that’s more wildfire smoke than O2.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m so happy to see that the new Riven is getting accolades and fantastic reviews! I’ve been taking it really slow so the experience lasts as long as possible, but it really has been wonderful. The folks at Cyan have really outdone themselves (yet again)!

On Steam:


If you’ve never heard of this company or game and you like adventure games with well thought out puzzles, just get it!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been using the iPhone Mirroring feature on the macOS and iOS betas quite a bit and I think it’s really useful, but I think I know what Apple is really planning with that feature. They’ll eventually bring it to visionOS and overlay it in augmented reality over your actual iPhone screen while wearing the Vision Pro.

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in reply to »

Jonathan Rollans » I run a snac instance as well and as far as storage usage it’s at about 250 MB right now after about 6 months of uptime.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I live in a small town on the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, I probably don’t need to mention that we get a lot of tourists at times during the summer, but oh my there’s more than I’ve ever seen here! We have one actual grocery store and of course the Walmart… both are picked clean, it’s like the apocalypse happened on those shelves.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve always loved fireworks and being as we’re approaching American Independence Day it historically would be my favorite holiday of the year, but for the last decade I’ve had a four legged, grinning, dog creature and those same fireworks scare the hell out of her and her doggie friends. So these days I stay home and inside to be with a bunch of dogs, because they shouldn’t have to be afraid _and_ alone.

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Jonathan Rollans » this is a test.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The remake of is everything and so much more than what I was expecting and wanting. It _looks_ exactly as it appears in my memory, but amazingly the game managed to stump me with a puzzle right off the start that is both the same puzzle, but different. It’s done in a way that feels original, but fresh.

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Jonathan Rollans »

One more night of sleep and then the game will be released! Time repeats itself… I remember when I was 16 in 1997 and I had one more night of sleep before I could go to the local computer software store (remember those?) and buy the game when the original came out. I’m really looking forward to reliving the experience.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The show we’ve been watching via Hulu (by way of Disney+) vanished from all streaming services late last night while we were watching it! It was crazy, we had decided to watch another episode as the current one was ending and then… poof! It was just gone.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Holy shit, they’re finally going to let us change the damn flashlight and camera button on the lock screen in iOS!

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Jonathan Rollans »

The weather where I’m at in Colorado has been so similar to where I’m from in Texas lately and I hate it. The humidity level has been in the 40% range when it’s normally in the 10% area. It’s also been 90° F and that is also bizarre for this area this time of year.

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Jonathan Rollans » don’t even worry about it, has been rock solid and a truly great piece of software engineering. It amazes me how stable it is! Thank you for building and continuing to develop it!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I think I want to organize my social media account into some sort of order. I have four “main” accounts and follow a lot of the same things with each one, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll make each one topic(s) specific. The problem for me would be remembering which one to use.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve got an out of town gig to play tonight and all I can think about is how I want to just have a quiet night in. Hopefully I’ll get home no later than 3 AM.

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Jonathan Rollans »

My favorite game of all time is getting a remake by the original studio (and leads) that created the game back in the mid 1990s and they just announced the release date yesterday. the sequel to comes out on June 25!

And… it’s got PCVR support and I will finally realize a dream I had when I was a young teenager. I will go to the islands in VR!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I enjoy my new decor in my art / office room.

A flag of the Klingon Empire hanging in a window in a nerd’s house.

Alt...A flag of the Klingon Empire hanging in a window in a nerd’s house.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Band practice once a week currently, but there was once a time where I’d practice three or even four times a week with other musicians. I just don’t think I could handle that anymore.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I seem to be having a complete lack of focus at the moment.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Rewatching Battlestar Galactica has been absolutely fantastic! I can’t believe how much I have forgotten. It’s nearly been a first time experience for me this time around.

I guess there’s one upside to my deteriorating memory function. Like seriously, I appreciate being able to experience the things I love, again, for the “first” time. Hopefully the old memory bank doesn’t get any worse.

Jonathan Rollans »

This week has felt 12 days longer than 7 and it hasn’t even been 7 yet.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I picked up a Keychron K3 V2 (ultra-low profile) keyboard and I dig it a lot, but holy shit the Bluetooth connection is terrible! My previous Satechi Slim basically never had a single Bluetooth connection issue since I got it 4 years ago.

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Jonathan Rollans »

After a week of running my new gaming PC I have now realized just how poor the performance of my old PC was. It served me very well for many years and allowed me to play basically anything I wanted (except for Alan Wake II), but now I run everything on ultra at 1440p and for the most part I get about 144 FPS in everything.

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Jonathan Rollans »

For the first time in my life I bought a pre-built gaming PC. I have always picked all the parts and put them together myself, but this time I just didn’t have the desire to do that. Plus I did some general pricing and from what I could tell it was going to be somewhat more inexpensive to just buy one.

I of course will customize and upgrade it myself however.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Finished and now we’re halfway through . It’s been a fantastic, uh, trek… I’ve noticed so, so many references, Easter eggs, and just general continuity within the newer shows that I just did not catch when watching as it aired. I enjoyed Picard just fine initially, but I’m enjoying it so much more now!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Walmart is a giant soulless corporation whose CEO takes $20 billion dollar bonuses and I am glad to see them spending so much money and effort on completely restructuring their stores because of the rampant theft they’ve had to “endure” for the past few years.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Crazy… game emulation on the Apple App Store. Didn’t think I’d ever see the day!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I hate it when I get behind on my social stream (by hundreds). I always feel like I am ignoring people if I just scroll all the way to the top, but I also can’t commit to an hour or more of reading all the posts.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Got a new desk and got rid of the old one, but I also decided to do a complete redesign of my office space and holy shit, I forgot exactly how many cables and other miscellaneous bits and bobs there were. Been at it for about 5 hours and I am exhausted… I’ll have to finish tomorrow.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Got stopped by a cop today because my vehicle registration is expired (because I completely forgot about it) and she was cool enough. I also didn’t have a valid copy of my insurance in the car either, though it does have it, but she didn’t write any citations thankfully.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Happy First Contact Day fellow humans!

Season 2 Episode 10 GIF by Paramount+

Alt...Season 2 Episode 10 GIF by Paramount+

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Jonathan Rollans »

#StarTrekDiscovery Spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT] I was wondering about that as well. It almost seemed like he was in a liquid state while he was in his EVA suit. Could he be a changing?

wakest ⁂ »

Is there something already that runs yt-dlp on a server and outputs an rss feed / podcast of the results?

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Jonathan Rollans » I feel like if there is no actual feed for it then it can’t really be called a “podcast”. Nearly twenty years of podcasts being something that anyone can subscribe to in whatever way they want has sort of defined the word. Need a new word for these shows that are commercially produced by corporations. Like maybe “paycasts” or something.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.51 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Support for custom Emojis has been added; they are no longer hardcoded, but read from the emojis.json file at the server base directory. Also, they are no longer limited to string substitutions, but images as external URLs are also supported (see snac(8) for more information).

Fixed a bug that caused some notifications to be lost when coming from a user in the same instance.

Added an additional check for blocked instances (sometimes, posts from blocked sites that were ancestors of legit posts were 'leaking' into the timeline).

On OpenBSD, if the disable_email_notifications server flag is set to true, unveil() is not called for the execution of the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary and pledge() doesn't set the exec promise.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the album Eternal Embers by .

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Jonathan Rollans »

Staying up extra late tonight to watch the premier of Star Trek: Discovery’s (fifth and final) season. I am super excited about it because of the way the cast and crew have been talking about it. They all seem to really love what they put together this season! Only 7 more minutes remain…

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Jonathan Rollans » @jrollans Ahh, I see! That makes sense, unfortunately. Is the self-destruct a Mastodon specific function, or is it part of AP spec? I suppose that’s one downside to ActivityPub in general, it’s up to each individual project to support things like that.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m currently considering self-destructing a Mastodon instance and putting up a new ActivityPub instance on the same domain - I’m curious, what kind of federation issues did you see?

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Jonathan Rollans »

We don’t get a lot of regular old rain in my part of Colorado, but every few years we get a heavy monsoon season. I hope this year is one of them!

I really miss the frequency of the rain storms where I grew up.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Every time I have some sort of medical related office appointment I get so incredibly tired while sitting in the waiting room. Like a completely unnatural level of sleepiness overcomes me.

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Jonathan Rollans »

The new “Action Button” on the iPhone 15 Pro seems like something I want to customize, but I’ve got 17 years of that spot being occupied by the mute switch on iPhones. I actually find myself wishing Apple would’ve added the new button in addition to the mute rocker.

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Jonathan Rollans »

It also seems to me that the button could be used in other ways, like perhaps a double click to do one thing, long press for another, triple click, etc…

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Jonathan Rollans »

I seem to gotten set into a “Sunday migraine” schedule. Similar to the “Saturday Syndrome”, but tailor made just for me.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Are there no displays that are less than 27” and larger than 20”? I’m very interested in getting an oled display, but I don’t want gigantic or tiny!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Ah, fresh baked cinnamon rolls at the crack of noon!

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Jonathan Rollans »

On one hand, this technology is pretty amazing, but on the other… oh man, it could be used in such terrible irresponsible ways.

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Jonathan Rollans »

It is an absolutely beautiful day! I love this time of year in . The nights are cold, but the days are warm, and the air feels so fresh and clean.

dansup »

I'm running the following services myself, and your donations are increasingly important!

Please consider donating at one of the links on

Together we can achieve so much, your support helps us go even further ❤️

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Jonathan Rollans »

This feels like one of those nights where I am going to have trouble going to sleep.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Just a test poll:

Does it work?

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Jonathan Rollans »

I am very much not a fan of Pueblo, Colorado, but tomorrow I must make two hour drive there to spend most of the day doing miscellaneous things. Luckily I’m loaded up with audiobooks and AirPods are charged!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been waiting on a package to be delivered by FedEx since Monday morning and it’s a very important package. Tracking claims it’s finally “out for delivery”… I’m not sure why, but waiting for deliveries like this gives me terrible anxiety! Even the not-so-important ones.

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Jonathan Rollans » you could definitely do it via emulator! Might spend some time tomorrow attempting to get either an actual classic Mac running or an emulator.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I just skimmed through (roughly) the top 100 posts on just to see how many of those people had enabled “fediverse sharing” on their profiles.

The answer is: 1 (doesn’t count though because he’s a threads tech engineer).

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Jonathan Rollans »

I have always been a fan of frequent updates to all the devices I have, but for the first time ever I just got annoyed by the amount of time it has taken me over the last hour to get everything updated. Its not like I wait long to do these things, generally once a week for everything (if not sooner).

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Jonathan Rollans » @jrollans That’s exciting, I look forward to digging into the next round!

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Jonathan Rollans » I’ve just spent the last hour reading about most of the ones I’d never heard about. There’s so many interesting projects!


wakest ⁂ »

Working on a page for my SVG icons. Anyone want to help make this page better? My CSS and HTML abilities are lacking...

The page is live at

I have a @Codeberg repo here up here

screenshot of a website with a list of the icons of a bunch of fediverse projects

Alt...screenshot of a website with a list of the icons of a bunch of fediverse projects

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Jonathan Rollans »

This is fantastic! Thank you!


wakest ⁂ »

An important distinction is slowly being uncovered about the definition of the term "fediverse." Who is it that gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented? These are not easy questions to answer and if we don't do a better job describing ourselves, then the job will get done for us by people who don't understand the underlying values we hold.

An info graphic with two icons, one is the symbol for the fediverse that has risen from below and the other is made by Threads

The "open fediverse" symbol
The peoples representation of the fediverse

The "Corporate Fediverse" symbol
Threads* representation of the fediverse

*Threads is a sub-brand of Meta as is Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp

Alt...An info graphic with two icons, one is the symbol for the fediverse that has risen from below and the other is made by Threads The "open fediverse" symbol The peoples representation of the fediverse The "Corporate Fediverse" symbol Threads* representation of the fediverse *Threads is a sub-brand of Meta as is Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp

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Jonathan Rollans »

I saw the “fediverse” logo that Meta had used in Threads and I did not even think about the fact that they had simply created a new logo for their own purposes for something they do not own. It’s kind of insidious in the way that I sort of just accepted its existence. I appreciate you pointing these things out!

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Jonathan Rollans » I was just reading up on setting up Immich yesterday and ended up getting defeated because I knew how much speed I would be losing. And knowing the the Neural Engine is “going to waste” would be pretty lame!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Now that I’ve upgraded to the iPhone 15 Pro I have the ability to limit the battery charge to 80%, which should enable the battery to last considerably longer than previous generations. I feel like I should start using that feature immediately so I get used to the battery life with it enabled from the start. I just wish whenever you set that limit it would adjust the battery graphic in the system to make it appear fully charged at 80%.

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Jonathan Rollans » I’ve been having the thought of moving away from iCloud Photos recently as well, but as far as I can tell, there is just no replacement for it that has the level of simplicity and search ability yet. I’m running Nextcloud for other reasons and back up photos there, but don’t really use it for browsing them.

I’ve been wondering what I’m going to do in the not-too-distant future when my photo library is so large I have no choice but to pay for its storage somewhere.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m starting to look into buying a headset of some kind, but I’m not sure which one to go for. I’ve been out of the loop of VR for a while, so I guess I need to do some reading.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.50 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Incoming posts can now be filtered out by content using regular expressions on a server level (these regexes are written in the filter_reject.txt file at the server base directory; see snac(5) and snac(8)).

Improved page position after hitting the Hide or MUTE buttons (for most cases).

Use a shorter maximum conversation thread level (also, this maximum value is now configurable at compilation level with the MAX_CONVERSATION_LEVELS define).

Fixed a bug where editing a post made the attached media or video to be lost.

The way of refreshing remote actor data has been improved.

Posting from the command-line now allows attachments.

Added defines for time to enable MacOS builds (contributed by andypiper).

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the song The Raven by .



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