jrollans.com is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin account

Search results for tag #mastodon

wakest ⁂ boosted

Peter Bronez »

Has anyone written a good “Fediverse for Politicians” post?

I want to encourage my representative to include the in their communications strategy. I think the meaningful fundraising demonstrated by will be more convincing than technical arguments.

I’d rather not write yet another introduction to and post, so show me what you’ve got!

Robert W. Gehl »

I'm a little in over my head, but I'm just about to give a presentation based on my book about to the meeting. I'm going to talk about the development of to a group interested in standards development:


Renaud Chaput »

We deployed the grouped notifications experimental feature on mastodon.online and mastodon.social, and are looking for some initial testers to gather performance information and ensure it works properly.

This feature is only available in the web UI for now (see 2nd screenshot)

There are some known issues (around keyboard navigation) and the API is not yet final.

Please open a Github issue if you find any problem with them, so we can fix it before the 4.3-beta1 release!

Screenshot of 2 grouped notifications in the new Mastodon web UI. The first one shows that 39 people favourited a post, with a row of avatars. The second one shows that 24 people boosts the post.
This would previously be 39+24 individual notifications.

Alt...Screenshot of 2 grouped notifications in the new Mastodon web UI. The first one shows that 39 people favourited a post, with a row of avatars. The second one shows that 24 people boosts the post. This would previously be 39+24 individual notifications.

Screenshot of the Mastodon web interface showing how to enable the new experimental grouped notifications feature.
To enable it, navigate to “Notifications” in the main menu, then open the settings using the cog icon in the title bar, then enable the feature under “Experimental features”.

Alt...Screenshot of the Mastodon web interface showing how to enable the new experimental grouped notifications feature. To enable it, navigate to “Notifications” in the main menu, then open the settings using the cog icon in the title bar, then enable the feature under “Experimental features”.

Fediverse Report »

Last Week in and - ep 77

The news this week:
- Dutch government plans to expand their project
- Nomadic Identity (decoupling user identity from servers) over comes to the fediverse
- @openvibe combines Mastodon, and now Bluesky into a single app and a single feed.

Read at: fediversereport.com/last-week-

Jonathan Rollans »

Ok, this instance is back up! Now I must migrate my account to my new instance and then I will retire this one. I just don’t have the time to admin a server anymore, unfortunately. It was a fun hobby for a couple of years though!

Jonathan Rollans »

Ok, this instance is back up! Now I must migrate my account to my new instance and then I will retire this one. I just don’t have the time to admin a server anymore, unfortunately. It was a fun hobby for a couple of years though!

Stefan Bohacek »

Pretty neat! If you're on mastodon.social (or another server running the latest in-development version of Mastodon), you can go to the Explore page eg. mastodon.social/explore/links and view posts that discuss trending news articles (see the "X posts" below the headline link).

via mastodon.social/@Gargron/11272

A screenshot from Mastodon's Explore page showing a list of articles with headlines, author names, and image thumbnails. Below the headlines are links that show the number of posts discussing each article.

Alt...A screenshot from Mastodon's Explore page showing a list of articles with headlines, author names, and image thumbnails. Below the headlines are links that show the number of posts discussing each article.

Fediverse Report »

Last Week in - ep 76

This week's news:

- A fully-featured review platform for the fediverse with @neodb
- better supports journalism with author bylines on links, and seeing what people are talking about on trending news links
- The first Ghost instance joins the fediverse, at @index

Read at: fediversereport.com/last-week-

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of and the entire , good morning and happy Sunday!

I've made some changes to our setup. Last week, there were some slowdowns in the services at BSD Cafe, especially in the instance. After investigating, I discovered that the issue was with the DNS resolution (it was the DNS! 😆 ).

I’ve now installed two jails with unbound on the two BSD Cafe VPSs. This allows us to perform all DNS resolutions locally with caching, so we don’t have to rely on external services.

This way, services like Mastodon or Matrix, which make extensive use of name resolution, can benefit from local caching and resolve domains autonomously.

wakest ⁂ boosted

Stefan Bohacek »

Wait, Threads is now blocking mastodon.social?


EDIT: mastodon.social has been removed from the list after about 30 minutes. It will be interesting to hear what happened, and how this affected folks who follow each other.

A screenshot from the "Moderated Servers" page on threads.net, showing mastodon.social being blocked for violating "Community Guidelines or Terms of Use". The explanation text on top says:

"We've blocked communication with some other servers on the fediverse for a variety of reasons, including lack of privacy policy, violations of our Community Guidelines, and lack of compliance with our deletion requests."

Alt...A screenshot from the "Moderated Servers" page on threads.net, showing mastodon.social being blocked for violating "Community Guidelines or Terms of Use". The explanation text on top says: "We've blocked communication with some other servers on the fediverse for a variety of reasons, including lack of privacy policy, violations of our Community Guidelines, and lack of compliance with our deletion requests."

Stefan Bohacek »

I wrote a little Python script that downloads domain blocks from a specified Mastodon server and saves them as a CSV file that can be imported to your own server. In case this is something you need.


A screenshot of a command prompt with the output of the script:

python script.py mastodon.social true false true
downloading domain blocks from mastodon.social...
saving to mastodon.social-domain-blocks.csv...

Alt...A screenshot of a command prompt with the output of the script: python script.py mastodon.social true false true downloading domain blocks from mastodon.social... processing... saving to mastodon.social-domain-blocks.csv... done!

Renaud Chaput »

Nice quality of life improvement added to the latest code: account cards on hover!

A perfect companion to the upcoming grouped notifications 😃

We need to tune the behaviour a bit, but I am already missing them when using another instance.

All of this will be in 4.3, which we plan to release soon!

A screenshot of the Mastodon web interface notification tab, with a popover displayed near a user’s avatar.
The popover shows the user profile picture, name, profile fields, number of followers and a follow button.

Alt...A screenshot of the Mastodon web interface notification tab, with a popover displayed near a user’s avatar. The popover shows the user profile picture, name, profile fields, number of followers and a follow button.

Stefan Bohacek »

I updated my Mastodon Tools browser plugin to include expanded quote post previews, based on the work I've done here: stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/1

Go give it a try! Available for Firefox and Chrome: stefanbohacek.com/project/mast

A side-by-side comparison of a quoted Mastodon post. On the left, the text is cut off. On the right, it is fully visible.

Alt...A side-by-side comparison of a quoted Mastodon post. On the left, the text is cut off. On the right, it is fully visible.

gyptazy »

The Great Fediverse Exodus: What's Really Happening?

Yes, you read that right. While the overall numbers might suggest growth, a deeper look reveals a worrying trend: the monthly active users on the Fediverse have plummeted to half of what they once were. Even the big profiles are feeling the pinch with dwindling interactions. Could it be that the Fediverse honeymoon is over?

Meanwhile, Twitter/X is seeing a resurgence. More and more users are flocking back, reigniting the platform with a surge of interactions. Is this the beginning of the end for the Fediverse, or just a bump in the road?

Let’s hear your thoughts!

Fediverse Report »

New: Last Week in - ep 70

This week's news:
- The Verge and 404 Media are preparing to add federation to their news sites
- @newsmast starts adding and accounts into their communities to create a hub in the social web
- Combining and in a single feed with the app @openvibe
- A 10k seed funding bounty for building DeviantArt on

Read at: fediversereport.com/last-week-

gyptazy »

Today, one big part of our call was about (made by @harshad@sharma.io) which is about integrating a gui management interface for beginners for further system management. I also covered the insights, build instructions and a binary pkg in a blog post.

A recording of this part will also be provided soon!


Openvibe »

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

Openvibe now fully supports both Nostr and Mastodon protocols! 🌐📲

Experience seamless crossposting and a unified timeline for all your social interactions 🐙

👉 Learn more & download the app at openvibe.social

PS: Next up - Bluesky 🦋


Openvibe app screenshots. 
Full Mastodon account support added to Openvibe. Avaiable now!

Alt...Openvibe app screenshots. Full Mastodon account support added to Openvibe. Avaiable now!

Openvibe app screenshot. Crosspost to Nostr and Mastodon. At once.

Alt...Openvibe app screenshot. Crosspost to Nostr and Mastodon. At once.

Openvibe app screenshot. Nostr and Mastodon posts in one timeline.

Alt...Openvibe app screenshot. Nostr and Mastodon posts in one timeline.

BoxyBSD »

Do we have community related suggestions how based systems could valuable be integrated into ? Limited resources do not offer permanent VMs right now. Until there’re more resources available this could be based on a week or month assignment (e.g. to give maintainers a possibility to test on )?!


Brian Tatosky »

I have no idea why that Jenny Nicholson video doesn't make a embed with a thumbnail and other YouTube videos do.

Literally tried 4 different ways of adding it to the post

Stefan Bohacek »

Stefan Bohacek »

Stefan Bohacek »

It is pretty cool to see all the different forks of major fediverse platforms. Just learning about Chuckya, a "soft fork" of glitch-soc, which itself is a fork of Mastodon.


Really shows the diversity of the fediverse!

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.

Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.

In the spirit of a typical support group phrase, I can joyfully say:
'Hello, I'm Stefano, and I haven't been using Windows as my primary operating system for 25 years.'

Please boost and share your experience!

wakest ⁂ boosted

Stefan Bohacek »

If you make tools for Mastodon, consider increasing compatibility with the rest of the fediverse.

This guide might help.


Renaud Chaput »

We just published our first Trunk & Tidbits post! This will hopefuly be a monthly update where we showcase what we worked on last month, and what's coming next.

I hope this will bring more visibility to all the efforts and love that put on Mastodon


Flipboard »

Flipboard curators have seen over 100,000 boosts, likes and replies from people across the fediverse since April 11. Given this positive signal from the community, today we're federating another 100 accounts representing more than 2,500 Magazines about everything from climate to culture. Read more here:


If you’re an active Flipboard curator and you would like to federate your account, let us know by applying here: surveymonkey.com/r/PB69W6L

And if you’re still getting up to speed on what the fediverse is and does, please check out our Fedi Curious Magazine:


gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Pleasant surprise today in the mailbox.

Thank you, @gyptazy !

CC: @BoxyBSD

This photo shows a collection of technology-themed stickers spread out on a wooden surface. The stickers include logos and mascots for various open-source software projects. These include a Debian India logo, two BoxyBSD logos depicted as cubes, multiple FreeBSD stickers featuring their logo and a cartoonish red daemon/penguin mascot (gyptazy's avatar). There's also a Mastodon logo featuring a blue and yellow head, from chaos.social.

Alt...This photo shows a collection of technology-themed stickers spread out on a wooden surface. The stickers include logos and mascots for various open-source software projects. These include a Debian India logo, two BoxyBSD logos depicted as cubes, multiple FreeBSD stickers featuring their logo and a cartoonish red daemon/penguin mascot (gyptazy's avatar). There's also a Mastodon logo featuring a blue and yellow head, from chaos.social.

Stefano Marinelli »

I want to launch a hashtag where, every Tuesday, I'll post a message and it would be great if it became a habit for many.

In a world full of conflicts, selfishness, and egocentrism, it would be nice to focus on the good that others do, what makes our lives better thanks to the contribution of others.

My first to the friends of - both within the community servers and beyond - who have undoubtedly contributed to making my life better, more stimulating, and richer. So, I extend this gratitude to all those who, here in the fediverse or elsewhere, are present and positive, giving me inspiration and motivation.

Truly, thank you!

1 ★ 1 ↺

Jonathan Rollans »

I finally got around to setting up snac2 (https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2) on my server. I have been considering ditching entirely, as far as hosting it, and perhaps this is what I might use. I will give it a while and see how it goes.

So if you see me start following you from here, you will know it is me!