Jonathan Rollans

I can’t be certain if this is my main or my alt account, but you’re here and I’m here, so, hello!

I’m a and a lover of (most of my “hobby time” is spent working on various bits of server software with a recent heavy lean towards .

This account resides on an instance of (an ActivityPub server software) running on .

Also, I’m a lifelong, massive, fan. I love it all, I don’t hate on any Trek, it’s all good. Especially the bad.


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Jonathan Rollans »

I seem to gotten set into a “Sunday migraine” schedule. Similar to the “Saturday Syndrome”, but tailor made just for me.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Are there no displays that are less than 27” and larger than 20”? I’m very interested in getting an oled display, but I don’t want gigantic or tiny!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Ah, fresh baked cinnamon rolls at the crack of noon!

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Jonathan Rollans »

On one hand, this technology is pretty amazing, but on the other… oh man, it could be used in such terrible irresponsible ways.

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Jonathan Rollans »

It is an absolutely beautiful day! I love this time of year in . The nights are cold, but the days are warm, and the air feels so fresh and clean.

dansup »

I'm running the following services myself, and your donations are increasingly important!

Please consider donating at one of the links on

Together we can achieve so much, your support helps us go even further ❤️

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Jonathan Rollans »

This feels like one of those nights where I am going to have trouble going to sleep.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Just a test poll:

Does it work?

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Jonathan Rollans »

I am very much not a fan of Pueblo, Colorado, but tomorrow I must make two hour drive there to spend most of the day doing miscellaneous things. Luckily I’m loaded up with audiobooks and AirPods are charged!

Ged Maheux »

Worf: Just remember Rule of Aquisition No. 111: Treat people in your debt like family – exploit them.

Jadzia: You know the Rules of Aquisition?

Worf: I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been waiting on a package to be delivered by FedEx since Monday morning and it’s a very important package. Tracking claims it’s finally “out for delivery”… I’m not sure why, but waiting for deliveries like this gives me terrible anxiety! Even the not-so-important ones.

Liaizon Wakest »

can I explore this thing from an emulator? if so is there a tutorial somewhere?

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Jonathan Rollans » you could definitely do it via emulator! Might spend some time tomorrow attempting to get either an actual classic Mac running or an emulator.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I just skimmed through (roughly) the top 100 posts on just to see how many of those people had enabled “fediverse sharing” on their profiles.

The answer is: 1 (doesn’t count though because he’s a threads tech engineer).

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Jonathan Rollans »

I have always been a fan of frequent updates to all the devices I have, but for the first time ever I just got annoyed by the amount of time it has taken me over the last hour to get everything updated. Its not like I wait long to do these things, generally once a week for everything (if not sooner).

Liaizon Wakest »

Working on a page for my SVG icons. Anyone want to help make this page better? My CSS and HTML abilities are lacking...

The page is live at

I have a @Codeberg repo here up here

screenshot of a website with a list of the icons of a bunch of fediverse projects

The Real Grunfink », I miss Susie, the logo of ...


Liaizon Wakest »

@grunfink is there an SVG version yet or shall I make one?


The Real Grunfink »

Sorry, no SVG, just this raster image.


Liaizon Wakest »

@grunfink no problem I will make one!


The Real Grunfink »



Liaizon Wakest »

@grunfink snac is the 90th icon now up!

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The Real Grunfink »


I'm stunned that there are (at least!) 90 pieces of software related to the Fediverse...


Liaizon Wakest »

@grunfink oh I have another hundred or so pieces of server software that I am tracking that don't yet have an icon! and thats not to mention client apps or browser extensions or weird integrations!

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Jonathan Rollans » I’ve just spent the last hour reading about most of the ones I’d never heard about. There’s so many interesting projects!


Liaizon Wakest »

@jrollans @grunfink just wait till I add the next batch of 100 or so more!

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Jonathan Rollans » @jrollans That’s exciting, I look forward to digging into the next round!

Liaizon Wakest »

Wow so has come along way today from how it started. Thanks to @daj for contributing a totally different design and implementing it. This is actually the first time I have ever gotten a pull request before. I have submitted a few for little things but never received one!

screenshot of a webpage with fediverse icons on it

fr0g »

@liaizon @daj

I can't believe Akkoma got away with having Patrick Star as their logo.

laskfar »

@liaizon @daj just seeing this now I like these svg


Liaizon Wakest »

@vortok thanks! Feel free to use em!

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Jonathan Rollans »

This is fantastic! Thank you!


Liaizon Wakest »

@jrollans your welcome! I have been working on it in some form for ages but I finally getting around to having it in a presentable place is really relieving. please feel free to note any errors or missing icons or whatever, and feel free to use any part of the project for whatever

Deus »

@liaizon @Codeberg Hmm. Left out Soapbox?


Liaizon Wakest »

@Deus nope, just haven't uploaded it yet. I have it up on


Deus »

@liaizon Cool! 🥂


Liaizon Wakest »

@Deus Soapbox and Rebased are up now fyi

damon »


Sean Tilley »

@damon @liaizon @Codeberg Woah, wild.

Liazon, I was actually working on a FontAwesome style project for Fediverse icons if you'd like to collaborate? It helps us include special icons across the We Distribute site on tags and pages.


Liaizon Wakest »

@deadsuperhero @Codeberg @damon hahaha wow how have I not seen this?! well it seems we should probably figure out how to merge projects huh


Sean Tilley »

@liaizon The biggest thing that slowed me down was trying to get copyright data to represent each icon. @ilja suggested going with REUSE compliance, where a little bit of metadata represents each icon in the repo, whereas the combined sheet that IcoMoon generates is just CC0.


Liaizon Wakest »

@deadsuperhero @ilja was reading that already. Personally not too worried about that part, but I see you already put in a ton of work in this category so it makes sense to use the direction you've gone. Where did you source the first batch of your icons? Did you start with some of the stuff I had put up on

Liaizon Wakest »

An important distinction is slowly being uncovered about the definition of the term "fediverse." Who is it that gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented? These are not easy questions to answer and if we don't do a better job describing ourselves, then the job will get done for us by people who don't understand the underlying values we hold.

An info graphic with two icons, one is the symbol for the fediverse that has risen from below and the other is made by Threads

The "open fediverse" symbol
The peoples representation of the fediverse

The "Corporate Fediverse" symbol
Threads* representation of the fediverse

*Threads is a sub-brand of Meta as is Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp
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Jonathan Rollans »

I saw the “fediverse” logo that Meta had used in Threads and I did not even think about the fact that they had simply created a new logo for their own purposes for something they do not own. It’s kind of insidious in the way that I sort of just accepted its existence. I appreciate you pointing these things out!

gyptazy »

I want to get away from iCloud Photos, but a must have is that I can access my photos in an easy way on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Next to it, I must find photos by given text like „summer beach wife high heels red dress“ or „yellow motorbike nordschleife“. Therefore, it needs not only face & object recognition but also usable apps for mobile devices. Clicking 10 minutes through a web ui is no solution. I gave nextcloud and immich a try and unfortunately both failed. Nextcloud tooks ages for previewing thumbnails even this features are only available in the web ui, immich looks pretty good but could only handle a subset of photos for testing because it takes long time to import and scan everything. So, immich looks promising before taking the efforts, maybe someone can give some insights with bigger libraries.

I need to process more than 8TB of photos and additional TBs of videos…

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Jonathan Rollans » I’ve been having the thought of moving away from iCloud Photos recently as well, but as far as I can tell, there is just no replacement for it that has the level of simplicity and search ability yet. I’m running Nextcloud for other reasons and back up photos there, but don’t really use it for browsing them.

I’ve been wondering what I’m going to do in the not-too-distant future when my photo library is so large I have no choice but to pay for its storage somewhere.


gyptazy » I can fully see the struggles. Immich comes close to it, but it’s slow - especially when you initially need to index your database, can’t use Neural Engine from the iOS to speed it up. Then it’s all „alpha“… I think photos will keep me forever in the iCloud.

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Jonathan Rollans » I was just reading up on setting up Immich yesterday and ended up getting defeated because I knew how much speed I would be losing. And knowing the the Neural Engine is “going to waste” would be pretty lame!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Now that I’ve upgraded to the iPhone 15 Pro I have the ability to limit the battery charge to 80%, which should enable the battery to last considerably longer than previous generations. I feel like I should start using that feature immediately so I get used to the battery life with it enabled from the start. I just wish whenever you set that limit it would adjust the battery graphic in the system to make it appear fully charged at 80%.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m starting to look into buying a headset of some kind, but I’m not sure which one to go for. I’ve been out of the loop of VR for a while, so I guess I need to do some reading.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.50 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Incoming posts can now be filtered out by content using regular expressions on a server level (these regexes are written in the filter_reject.txt file at the server base directory; see snac(5) and snac(8)).

Improved page position after hitting the Hide or MUTE buttons (for most cases).

Use a shorter maximum conversation thread level (also, this maximum value is now configurable at compilation level with the MAX_CONVERSATION_LEVELS define).

Fixed a bug where editing a post made the attached media or video to be lost.

The way of refreshing remote actor data has been improved.

Posting from the command-line now allows attachments.

Added defines for time to enable MacOS builds (contributed by andypiper).

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the song The Raven by .


Shamar »

is really an impressive work, @grunfink.

Looking at the code I wonder where the "backported" xs library comes from: it looks very clean and nice...

Also, I've never seen C headers used for implementations: it's a clever trick that reduce the gap between and a more advanced language like (:-D) but I wonder why you coded it this way.


The Real Grunfink »

Thanks for the nice words.

The xs is an intentionally lightweight library I (with the help of some friends) started for a very different project that never was. As it adds some niceties to C coding, I use it everywhere. It's mostly feature-complete now, but I fix and add some things occasionally. These days, is mostly its main user, as other projects that use it are pretty irrelevant.

Using C headers both for implementations and prototyping is somewhat of a perversion 😆, but it simplifies immensely sharing code between projects, because you don't have to care about building libraries (static nor dynamic) and their operating system idiosyncracies. You just drop the .h in your project, include it and it's done. The reason: simplicity. If I had a motto as a developer, simplicity would be.

ティージェーグレェ »

@grunfink I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' snac to 2.50 here:

CI checks passed OK!

It's up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

Thank you for your continued enhancements, bug fixes and contributions!

millions »

@grunfink do you know why I’m getting a curl.h not found error when I’m trying to build it

“ x_curl.h:14:10: fatal error: curl/curl.h: No such file or directory”


The Real Grunfink »

It seems like you don't have libcurl installed in your system (that, and openssl, are the only external dependencies snac requires).

In the file you have instructions on how to install it on several systems.


millions »

@grunfink oh apparently I didn’t I thought I just needed the curl package


The Real Grunfink »

No, it needs the library (not the command-line tool).


millions »

@grunfink ok

Also if I wanted to host it on something like do I make the hostname the part and the url prefix fedi or did I get that wrong


The Real Grunfink »

No; if you want (i.e. use the full domain for snac), just set that as the server and don't set a prefix. Your URL will be .

If you want to use for other things, and have your snac instance hanging in a subdirectory, then set as the host and fedi (or the subdirectory you like) as the prefix. Your URL will then be .

Deadly Headshot »

I wonder how plausible it is to soft-fork to allow favourites instead of likes (that is, to have the posts you favourite *not* shared with followers). It would make sense to have like instead of boost for me, but not instead of favourite (I rarely boost without favouriting but often favourite without boosting). (I'd probably also need some way to automate applying the patch to each upstream release, really...).

(cc @grunfink)

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Jonathan Rollans »

I know what you mean about patching upstream releases, I’m trying to work that out right now myself. I have been tinkering with a fork and I am trying to figure the most efficient and straightforward way to handle the updates. I don’t have much experience with git.

BasicAppleGuy »

15 years ago: iPhone got Cut, Copy, & Paste.

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Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's a comparison of the 6-foot model ('s "Peak Performance"⬆️, "The Vengeance Factor"⬇️) and the 4-foot model ("Reunion") of the USS Enterprise-D, seen from similar angles. The 6-foot model shots re-use the same footage.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I had no idea Macintosh System Software was ever distributed on Zip Disks, but of course it was! I skipped the years when Macs came with a built-in Zip Drive. I did have an external one though.

I quite miss the satisfying “kla-chunk!” sound they made.


NanoRaptor »

Some more zip disk forya. Macintosh System software installers & boot disks.

A photo of some Mac OS install zip disks. Shown mainly is System 6.0.8, but below that system 7.5A photo of a couple of Zip disks for the classic MacOS. System 7.5 sits on top of System 7.1, with a jewel case and label for the installer for System 7.1
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Jonathan Rollans »

I keep thinking today is Sunday and then I realize it’s Saturday, which is great, because that means I still have more than 24 hours to be lazy.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Next up on the rewatch is the season 3 finale “The Best of Both Worlds - Part 1”, maybe you’ve heard of that one? 😉

I actually haven’t seen this two-parter in decades and I’m super excited to watch it with new eyes!

Captain Picard looking quite worried on a Borg ship. (Image capture from the season 3 finale)
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Jonathan Rollans »

I just ordered my first iPhone upgrade since the iPhone 12 came out. It’ll be weird going back to a large phone, I love the mini form factor.

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Jonathan Rollans »

And by “large phone” I mean the regular Pro version, I would never get a “Max”. Those things are hilariously enormous!

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Jonathan Rollans »

Oh and happy 𝛑 Day!

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Jonathan Rollans »

My area is supposed to get 10” of today and another 6” tomorrow, but the has been very nice and the streets are too warm to be covered in snow. Everything else however is a fresh clean white.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I see that now supports Articles posted to which means they will not appear in Mastodon clients (generally, I think) right?

Speaking of ActivityPub, anyone have some concise and simple breakdown documentation links handy? There’s kind of an overwhelming amount or information out there.

Jon's Brain Waves »

Nextcloud: Round 3 (or 4 or 5)

I’ve once again started the process of installing and setting up Nextcloud on one of my servers. It occurs to me that my Nextcloud instances always die a slow death. Something about that piece of software, I think, sort of just falls apart over time. This time I’m attempting to future proof it a little bit more than the previous times, but honestly I fully expect it to go about the same as usual. Then again, historically I have installed all kinds of plugins (or apps) and was running it on fairly low powered hardware. Setting it up on some decently powerful hardware on this go around though. I’ll also try to be more conservative with the app installs as well.

I might actually set up two separate instances and federate them together. Perhaps if I maintain multiple servers they’ll survive a bit longer? Or I’ll just be creating twice the amount of tinkering and maintenance for myself.

#SelfHosting #Nextcloud #Admin

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Jonathan Rollans »

It’s time for my biweekly haircut and I’m basically still a child when it comes to that, I loathe haircuts.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been having a connection issue between my Mastodon instance and this snac2 server, well, it just hit me… I left an incorrect address in the hosts file of one of them. Seems like all is well now.

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Jonathan Rollans »

To join in the chorus of DST hate, well, I loathe Daylight Saving Time.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’ve been watching for the first time in decades and I honestly think the first couple of seasons aren’t that bad. With the exception of a couple of episodes, of course. I was anticipating a slog through the first third of the series, but I’m happy to be wrong!


Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸 »

@jrollans When it began, I found the 1st season of to be a bit stilted. This began to dissipate in the 2nd Season, so we became big fans, though my favourite series is still

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Jonathan Rollans » @jrollans I totally agree, season 3 gets much better though! I think is my favorite series as well.


Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸 »

@jrollans It certainly did. Hubs prefers it to DS9.

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Jonathan Rollans » I say DS9 is my favorite, but my favorites change from day to day. Recently watched all of Voyager as well and really enjoyed it and while watching I kept thinking it was my favorite. Something about the atmosphere of DS9 though, it’s got a feel to it that is unique.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I bought these, I am disgusting. It’s a special St. Patrick’s Day Edition though!

A bag of dehydrated marshmallows from Lucky Charms cereal.
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Jonathan Rollans »

I had intended to get a bunch of stuff done with some projects today, but a migraine has basically halted any of that from happening.

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Jonathan Rollans »

Got the new deployment running smoothly and mostly done with performance tuning.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I have much I want to do, but the motivation and energy eludes me.

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Jonathan Rollans »

No, it does not appear to support markdown. I guess I could read the manual…

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Jonathan Rollans »

Hey, does this server support markdown? well, _does it?_

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Jonathan Rollans »

Discoverability seems basically non-existent using , but damn I like it a lot. I think maybe it’s a matter of finding folks to follow the “old way”. By browsing the internet.

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Jonathan Rollans »

I’m trying to wrap my head around working with Lemmy posts in the confines of Mastodons posts, specifically what kind of ActivityPub object is a Lemmy post? Is it an “Article”?

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Jonathan Rollans »

Started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation last night and insanely I don’t think I’ve ever even seen every episode. It’s also been decades!

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Jonathan Rollans »

I finally got around to setting up snac2 ( on my server. I have been considering ditching entirely, as far as hosting it, and perhaps this is what I might use. I will give it a while and see how it goes.

So if you see me start following you from here, you will know it is me!

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Jonathan Rollans »

This is just a test…

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Jonathan Rollans »

Well, I guess I’ll start with a good old fashioned “Hello World!”

Hello World!
