jrollans.com is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
These are the voyag... uh, things I post about.
Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #activitypub

#activitypub boosted

Fedizen Fediverse News »

»The (commonly shortened to ) is a collection of services that can communicate with each other (formally known as federation) using a common protocol.« en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedive

    #activitypub boosted

    Jeff Sikes »

    Hah! I knew it. I knew the fediverse would pop up as I explore Gemini. Adding this to my collection of platforms to try.


      #activitypub boosted

      Jeff »

      Hah! I knew it. I knew the fediverse would pop up as I explore Gemini. Adding this to my collection of platforms to try.


        #activitypub boosted

        LRR »

        Not only are they bringing this often requested feature to Mastodon but they are also providing a spec (and the research behind it) for consideration to extend the standard so other apps in the fediverse can implement it in a consistent manner.

        are good

        From: @MastodonEngineering

          #activitypub boosted

          Spujb »

          Anyone planning to promote the at the big protests tomorrow? Considering it's pretty directly relevant . . .

          Care to share any ideas, tips?

            #activitypub boosted

            Fedizen Fediverse News »

            AodeRelay boosted

            Week in Fediverse »

            #activitypub boosted

            Interesting Links »

            FEP-e232: Object Links
            Specification for quote-posts (and otherwise linking to existing AP objects) in ActivityPub. Currently implemented in some projects (*oma, Frendica, etc), planned for Mastodon.

            #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #spec #QuotePosts

              #activitypub boosted

              Fedizen Fediverse News »

              #activitypub boosted

              William Maggos »

              @votevets.org please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

              Bridgy Fed

                #activitypub boosted

                William Maggos »

                @lakotaman.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                Bridgy Fed

                  #activitypub boosted

                  William Maggos »

                  @lalalalack.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                  Bridgy Fed

                    #activitypub boosted

                    William Maggos »

                    @ericholder.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                    Bridgy Fed

                      #activitypub boosted

                      William Maggos »

                      @carolecadwalla.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                      Bridgy Fed

                        #activitypub boosted

                        William Maggos »

                        @carolvorderman.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                        Bridgy Fed

                          #activitypub boosted

                          Fedizen Fediverse News »

                          »Pixelfed Launches Kickstarter: Building Ethical Social Networks for Everyone« pixelfed.blog/p/2025/announcem

                            #activitypub boosted

                            Fedizen Fediverse News »

                            #activitypub boosted

                            william.maggos »

                            A music app/service API where you pay somebody to store your music online and listen to it anywhere, but can also listen to independent streaming online radio (like @somafm @ryno @live etc) and play music directly from artists' sites ala . And have a community built around sharing music and talking about artists and shows via . That's the anti corporate future of music.

                              #activitypub boosted

                              Fedizen Fediverse News »

                              Fedizen.EU is your primary source for all truly relevant Fediverse news. Join the Fedizens in the Fediverse on ActivityPub!

                              Fedizens in the Fediverse

                              Alt...Fedizens in the Fediverse

                                #activitypub boosted

                                schizo »

                                Adesso il relè wss://relay.mostr.pub
                                pare funzioni piuttosto bene, che distribuisca, senza troppe perdite, i messaggi

                                si possono convertire gli indirizzi del secondo in quelli del primo, in modo da poter interagire su entrambe da nostr

                                In questo modo è interessante anche solo la funzione di inoltro (si popola nostr di contenuti altri rispetto l' argomento


                                  #activitypub boosted

                                  Andy Piper »

                                  Fediverse for Freedom (FOSDEM 2025)

                                  A short talk about why civic institutions should own and host their own presence in the Social Web. This talk was originally given at the end of the "Social Web After Hours" meetup in Brussels HSBXL, for FOSDEM 2025.


                                    #activitypub boosted

                                    Andy »

                                    Thanks to everyone who attended my talk "Web Syndication with TYPO3 and ActivityPub" at Web Camp Venlo today!

                                    I published the slides on my website and SlideShare, you can find them here:

                                      #activitypub boosted

                                      @reiver ⊼ (Charles) »

                                      Is any Fediverse software using or generating the 'View' activity-type?


                                      You could create view-counts on posts, profiles, etc, using this.

                                      Of course, there are privacy concerns with this.

                                      And, also, what counts as a "view".

                                      Although, I sometimes use a "Like" to indicate I viewed something. If a 'View' was something manual (such a pressing a button) that could be more semantically clean.

                                        AodeRelay boosted

                                        Menel »

                                        Ich nahm
                                        Ich glaube eine riesige Anzahl können das, also fast alles was kann.

                                          #activitypub boosted

                                          @reiver ⊼ (Charles) »

                                          To me, it feels like the Activity Types should have been past-tense verbs, rather than present-tense verbs.


                                          • "Accepted" rather than "Accept"
                                          • "Added" rather than "Add"
                                          • "Announced" rather than "Announce"
                                          • "Arrived" rather than "Arrive"
                                          • "Blocked" rather than "Block"
                                          • "Created" rather than "Create"
                                          • etc

                                          Present-tense verbs feel like commands.

                                          Past-tense verbs feel like events.

                                          Activities are events not commands.

                                            #activitypub boosted

                                            Sébastien R. »

                                            ActivityPods - FOSDEM 2025 presentation

                                            #activitypub boosted

                                            いしい »

                                            いしい@試行錯誤 | ActivityPubというプラグインをインストールしてあるWordPressサイトです。

                                              #activitypub boosted

                                              BentiGorlich »

                                              Believe me I want to implement all the cool activity pub features, but with what time? XD

                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                mike »

                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                utopiArte »

                                                Offener Brief | Wann wenn nicht jetzt?

                                                Dieses kleine bescheidene Textstück hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht einigen, hoffentlich nicht wenigen politischen Akteuren dieses Landes eine kurze und klare Frage zu stellen. Und zwar nur jenen welchen die Grundlagen einer funktionierenden Demokratie noch etwas wert sind:

                                                Was ist dir wichtiger, die eigene Macht oder eine unabhängige Demokratie für uns alle?

                                                An die Macht zu kommen, diesmal hier und jetzt, oder ein für alle mal ein klares Zeichen zu setzten das in diesem Land rechtsradikale, menschenverachtende Strömungen keinen Platz haben?

                                                Die Realität der letzten Wochen und Monate hat allen eindeutig vor Augen geführt das Netzwerke, soziale Vernetzung im Netz, nicht auf zentral verwalteten Plattformen stattfinden kann, denn die Macht über die Inhalte und ihre Verbreitung liegt immer beim Anbieter. Und das das einzige was dem Nachfragenden bleibt der Zweifel ist. Zweifel ob das was er sieht und das was die anderen sehen manipuliert wurde oder spezifisch dazu da ist, explizit nur ihm präsentiert zu werden, um nur dich zu manipulieren.

                                                Es sind nur noch wenige Tage bis zur bevorstehenden Wahl. Zu glauben jetzt noch, auf den letzten Metern, in den letzten Momenten entscheidendes mit schlagenden Argumenten zu erreichen mag dem guten Willen entspringen, und auch auf das gute im Menschen hoffen. Es ist aber, und das wissen alle im tiefsten Inneren, nicht mehr als eine Illusion. Eine Illusion erschaffen durch die allgemeingültig erscheinende Realität auf dem eigenen Bildschirm. Eine Realität, konstruiert nur für dich, für Sie und ihn. Virtuell und so illusorisch, wie die völlig andere Realität auf dem nächsten Bildschirm gleich neben an.

                                                Und dennoch, und das ist der Ursprung dieses Aufrufs, gibt es bereits eine echte etablierte Alternative. Eine Alternative welche uns allen die Grundlagen unserer freien Entscheidungsfindung und unserer freien Meinungsäußerung wieder in unser aller Hände legt. Eine Option welche bereits eben diese Grundlage einer jeden unabhängigen Demokratie im hier und jetzt funktionstüchtig konstruiert hat.

                                                Die dezentralen Netzwerke, unsere Netzwerke, beruhend auf dem Protokoll machen dies möglich, und das einzige was es braucht seid ihr. Das einzige was es braucht ist das du endgültig die Entscheidung triffst mit uns allen und möglichst prominent die sinkenden Schiffe der monopolistischen Anbieter zu verlassen, gemeinschaftlich aufzubrechen in eine unabhängige weil dezentrale Zukunft.
                                                Und zwar jetzt, noch vor der Wahl.
                                                Jetzt, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit aller Akteure noch auf dem Geschehen im hier liegt und sich nicht bereits abgewendet hat. Abgewendet ins Reich der Auguren der nach der Wahl bestehenden Mehrheiten und den damit verbundenen Vorhersagereien und Spekulationen.

                                                Die dezentralen Netzwerke stehen, selbst eure eigenen Parteien haben bereits eigene Knotenpunkte, eigene Instanzen errichtet.
                                                Das einzige was fehlt bist du, seid ihr.

                                                Das einzige was fehlt ist ein Schildchen an euren alten abhängigen Netzwerkprofilen.
                                                Schildchen auf denen klar und unmissverständlich steht:

                                                " für eine freiheitliche Grundordnung.
                                                Profil Aufgrund von unhaltbaren Umständen geschlossen.
                                                Wir gehen , ich warte auf euch auf der anderen Seite.
                                                euer XYZ


                                                Location: tupambaé

                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                  Manyfold »

                                                  🥳 Manyfold v0.101.0 is out, with a really fun new feature: Themes! There are 26 UI colour schemes to choose from, thanks to Bootswatch, so now you can make your instance a bit more your own.

                                                  We've also got a big bugfix for 3MF file display, particularly for files that use the production extension (e.g. slicer project files).

                                                  🗞️ Full release notes: manyfold.app/news/2025/02/14/r

                                                  ❤️ Support us on OpenCollective: opencollective.com/manyfold

                                                  🏷️ @3dprinting

                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                    William Maggos »

                                                    @flintdibble.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                    Bridgy Fed

                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                      William Maggos »

                                                      @nachristakis.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                      Bridgy Fed

                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                        tekhne »

                                                        Pour ou contre l'intégration de l'IA dans la prochaine évolution du protocole ActivityPub ?
                                                        Sachant en plus, et c'est ahurissant, que meta fait partie du groupe de travail …

                                                        For or against integrating AI into the next evolution of the ActivityPub protocol?
                                                        Knowing furthermore, and this is mind-boggling, that meta is part of the working group ...


                                                        Closes in 5:17:43:01

                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                          Battalion »

                                                          Destroying Autocracy – 13 February 2025

                                                          Welcome to this week’s “Destroying Autocracy”.

                                                          It’s your source for curated news affecting democracy in the cyber arena with a focus on protecting democracy. That necessitates an opinionated Butlerian jihad against big tech as well as evangelizing for open-source and the Fediverse. Since big media’s journalism wing is flailing and failing in its core duty to democracy, this is also a collection of alternative reporting on the eternal battle between autocracy and democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world. You can’t be free without safety and privacy.

                                                          DA comes out on Thursday and is updated through the end of day on Friday. Then we start over. So take your time in perusing it and check back in over the weekend.

                                                          FYI, my opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans. Especially tech bros. And fascists. Fuck ’em.

                                                          Featured Item

                                                          404 Media writes:

                                                          A new paper from researchers at Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University finds that as humans increasingly rely on generative AI in their work, they use less critical thinking, which can “result in the deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved.”

                                                          “A key irony of automation is that by mechanizing routine tasks and leaving exception-handling to the human user, you deprive the user of the routine opportunities to practice their judgement and strengthen their cognitive musculature, leaving them atrophied and unprepared when the exceptions do arise,” the researchers wrote.

                                                          Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared”

                                                          Surprise, surprise.

                                                          We start and end with good news to make the middle bearable.

                                                          The response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

                                                          The Next Web reports:

                                                          Ethical AI and climate tech are turning the Netherlands into a European innovation leader

                                                          The Electronic Frontier Foundation looks at:

                                                          Closing the Gap in Encryption on Mobile

                                                          Fast Company reports:

                                                          This scrappy search upstart is getting thousands of people to give up Google

                                                          BleepingComputer reports:

                                                          US sanctions LockBit ransomware’s bulletproof hosting provider

                                                          404 Media reports:

                                                          Wikipedia Prepares for ‘Increase in Threats’ to US Editors From Musk and His Allies

                                                          The Register reports:

                                                          A win at last: Big blow to AI world in training data copyright scrap


                                                          Codeberg declares:

                                                          We stay strong against hate and hatred

                                                          DarkReading reports:

                                                          Japan Goes on Offense With New ‘Active Cyber Defense’ Bill


                                                          Tech Policy has:

                                                          Message to US States: Don’t Forget the Fundamentals of Fighting Online Hate and Antisemitism

                                                          An Advocate’s Guide to Automated Content Moderation

                                                          The Register reports:

                                                          EU plans to ‘mobilize’ €200B to invest in AI to catch up with US and China

                                                          The Evil Empire Strikes Back

                                                          The Atlantic reports:

                                                          The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified

                                                          Popular Information reports:

                                                          The NSA’s “Big Delete”

                                                          G Zero Media reports:

                                                          Elon Musk’s government takeover is powered by AI

                                                          Business Insider reports:

                                                          We got a DOGE staff list. From a McKinsey alum to a former Clarence Thomas clerk, here are the workers powering Elon Musk’s cost-cutting squad.

                                                          TechCrunch reports:

                                                          Spyware maker caught distributing malicious Android apps for years

                                                          The Guardian reports:

                                                          US immigration is gaming Google to create a mirage of mass deportations

                                                          The Intercept reports:

                                                          ICE wants to know if you’re posting mean things about it online

                                                          Pariah States

                                                          BleepingComputer reports:

                                                          Russian military hackers deploy malicious Windows activators in Ukraine

                                                          BadPilot network hacking campaign fuels Russian SandWorm attacks

                                                          DPRK hackers dupe targets into typing PowerShell commands as admin

                                                          Chinese espionage tools deployed in RA World ransomware attack

                                                          Domain Tools reports:

                                                          Chinese Malware Delivery Domains Part II: Data Collection

                                                          The Guardian reports:

                                                          Revelations of Israeli spyware abuse raise fears over possible use by Trump

                                                          The Register reports:

                                                          Crimelords and spies for rogue states are working together, says Google

                                                          The Committee to Protect Journalists reports:

                                                          2024 is deadliest year for journalists in CPJ history; almost 70% killed by Israel

                                                          Big Media

                                                          The Wikipedian reports:

                                                          The Right’s War on Wikipedia is Just a Repackaging of its War on Journalism

                                                          Big Tech

                                                          The Guardian reports:

                                                          We didn’t click ‘consent’ on any gambling website. So how did Facebook know where we’d been?

                                                          How Meta abandoned Silicon Valley’s most ambitious diversity goals

                                                          404 Media reports:

                                                          Senator Pushes Zuckerberg on “Perverse Abuse” of Nudify Ads After 404 Media Report

                                                          This Adtech Company is Powering Surveillance of U.S. Military Personnel

                                                          PC Gamer reports:

                                                          A 2023 study concluded CAPTCHAs are ‘a tracking cookie farm for profit masquerading as a security service’ that made us spend 819 million hours clicking on traffic lights to generate nearly $1 trillion for Google

                                                          The Verge reports:

                                                          Google Calendar removed events like Pride and BHM because its holiday list wasn’t ‘sustainable’

                                                          There is nothing worse than cowardice.

                                                          OpenAI is rethinking how AI models handle controversial topics


                                                          The Guardian reports:

                                                          Bomb-plot trial of neo-Nazi leader pulls back veil on US extremist networks


                                                          The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports:

                                                          The UK’s Demands for Apple to Break Encryption Is an Emergency for Us All

                                                          The Washington Post reports:

                                                          Your employer might be spying on you. Here’s how workers can check.

                                                          BleepingComputer reports:

                                                          Apple fixes zero-day exploited in ‘extremely sophisticated’ attacks

                                                          CNN reports:

                                                          How to keep your private conversations private

                                                          The Register reports:

                                                          Probe finds US Coast Guard has left maritime cybersecurity adrift

                                                          Feds want devs to stop coding ‘unforgivable’ buffer overflow vulnerabilities


                                                          The Fediverse Report has:

                                                          Last Week in Fediverse #103

                                                          Wreckage shares:

                                                          Bridges & scruples

                                                          Read this if you love the Fediverse.

                                                          SMA looks at:

                                                          A Brief History of Alternative Social Media Scholarship

                                                          The New Stack reports:

                                                          Pixelfed Crowdfunds More Open Source Social Alternatives for the Fediverse

                                                          The Internet Review reports on:

                                                          Improved Moderation Features Coming Later This Month to Pixelfed

                                                          TechCrunch reports:

                                                          These apps are building Instagram alternatives on open protocols

                                                          Tumblr to join the Fediverse after WordPress migration completes

                                                          Mastodon has:

                                                          Trunk & Tidbits, January 2025

                                                          The Counterforce shares:

                                                          The Counterforce Guide to Mastodon and The Fediverse (for punks!)

                                                          But Nazi Punks, Fuck Off!

                                                          Ghost has:

                                                          If you didn’t like it then you should have just unfollowed it

                                                          Repost the stuff you love

                                                          Other Slightly Federated Social Media

                                                          The Fediverse Report has:

                                                          Last Week in the ATmosphere – 2025feb.b

                                                          CTAs (aka show us some free love)

                                                          Keep fighting!

                                                          Ringleader, Battalion
                                                          Reuben Walker
                                                          Follow me on the Fediverse


                                                          Spaceship at the site of a battle

                                                          Alt...Spaceship at the site of a battle

                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                            ppfh »

                                                            "Ciao Fediverso! | Hello Fediverse! 🚀 "

                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                              Urban »

                                                              is not beer drinking in a pub.

                                                              Could someone told me before...

                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                marius »

                                                                Oh man, why did I ever think that implementing multiple storage backends for my service was a good idea?

                                                                Having to backport new features across 4 versions is becoming a bit of a pain in the butt I have to say.

                                                                Screenshot of sourcehut build pipeline for FedBOX with multiple integration tests suites, one for each storage backend.

Their status is: storage-fs: passed, storage-boltdb: failed, storage-sqlite: failed, storage-badger: failed

                                                                Alt...Screenshot of sourcehut build pipeline for FedBOX with multiple integration tests suites, one for each storage backend. Their status is: storage-fs: passed, storage-boltdb: failed, storage-sqlite: failed, storage-badger: failed

                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                  USS »

                                                                  Would be really great if / had better security against and !

                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                    william.maggos »

                                                                    Kinda obsessed with the idea that & could link up to easily give everyone a universal ID for both public social media and private groups. And that matrix servers could go beyond encrypted messaging to give everyone the group functionality they find in Facebook and Discord.

                                                                    The civic primacy of social media won't be well understood and accepted until people have a simple and better way to handle their more closed community needs outside of the corporate platforms.

                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                      Marta »

                                                                      Does anybody here can me to solve a doubt on and portability?

                                                                      Context; I am writing a post about Mastodon and Bluesky and wouldn’t like to be imprecise.

                                                                      I read in a blog that ActivityPub actually allows moving data of users and content from one server to another and that it is the Mastodon development of ActivityPub which puts the problem of portability.

                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                        magnus (he/him) »

                                                                        It feels good to have quit my stupid corporate career. It feels good to have moved away from the big city. And it feels good to have moved away from Twitter and into the , the open social network based on the protocol.

                                                                        I'm an anarchist with diverse special interests:

                                                                        I know a lot about money and banking, so feel free to ask for any kind of advice, especially in a Danish context.

                                                                        I'm considering a career change into the world of food: Food from trees and fermentation.

                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                          William Maggos »

                                                                          @kfile.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                          Bridgy Fed

                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                            William Maggos »

                                                                            @libradunn1.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                            Bridgy Fed

                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                              William Maggos »

                                                                              @nothoodlum.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                              Bridgy Fed

                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                William Maggos »

                                                                                @jessesingal.com please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                Bridgy Fed

                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                  William Maggos »

                                                                                  @leahlitman.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                  Bridgy Fed

                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                    William Maggos »

                                                                                    @monicalewinsky.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                    Bridgy Fed

                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                      William Maggos »

                                                                                      @rgoodlaw.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                      Bridgy Fed

                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                        William Maggos »

                                                                                        @stevevladeck.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                        Bridgy Fed

                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                          William Maggos »

                                                                                          @taniel.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                          Bridgy Fed

                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                            William Maggos »

                                                                                            @stevenbeschloss.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                            Bridgy Fed

                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                              William Maggos »

                                                                                              @johnfugelsang.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                              Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                lps »

                                                                                                @tonton @textovervideo @friction In a funny way adopting "universal" shortcuts is somewhat similar to how different technologies uses similar protocols, for example.

                                                                                                If applications could "own" a keymap like as a standard. Anytime a user picks up a new app it is already familiar and adoption is much more likely.

                                                                                                Just a rambling thought;)

                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                  Hiker »

                                                                                                  So ist es - das Netzwerk definiert sich über das Protokoll #ActivityPub, mit dem die verschiedenen Anwendungen miteinander kommunizieren.

                                                                                                  Und klar gibts da auch noch Spezialitäten - aber das ist dann schon mehr ins Detail...

                                                                                                  @donnerdrummel @marcuwekling @groso @BrauchC

                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                    Hiker »

                                                                                                    Was du mit einer Software anstellen und wie du das denn benennen willst, ist mir eigentlich egal. Dafür ist Mastodon aber nicht gemacht, sondern es ist eine Software für Micro-blogging FÜR das dezentrale Netzwerk #Fediverse - ist also über das Protokoll #ActivityPub darür ausgestattet, mit anderen Servern zu kommunizieren - und so was nennt man Netzwerk.

                                                                                                    Was sollen diese Klimmzüge eigentlich. Wieso soll man Dinge umbenennen, weil es - wieso auch immer - nicht passt?

                                                                                                    Nein, es gibt keine Mastodon-Netzwerk.

                                                                                                    @marcuwekling @BrauchC @groso

                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                      Leonardo Di Ottio »

                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                      spla »

                                                                                                      Ho estava responen en un fil, no hi ha servidor que aguanti un impuls a un tut propi des d'un compte remot amb milers de seguidors. Si aquest servidor no respon als centenars de peticions des de la memòria cau ("cache"), es quedarà penjat per saturació.
                                                                                                      I això no és un problema de Mastodon com es llegeix de tant en tant, és un problema que afecta a tots els programaris del compatibles amb .

                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                        Marcel SIneM(S)US »

                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                        Daniel Supernault »

                                                                                                        The real magic of the is collaboration.

                                                                                                        Many of the largest projects have worked together behind the scenes on compatibility.

                                                                                                        It's not that common now that ActivityPub has matured, but you better believe the early days of 2018 had big players like Mastodon and Pleroma working closely on compat.

                                                                                                        = Community + Collaboration
                                                                                                        The magic formula that sets us apart!

                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                          Matthias Pfefferle »

                                                                                                          coming soon to a podcast player near you!

                                                                                                          /cc @alex

                                                                                                          Alex and me while we are recording a new DoTheWoo podcast

                                                                                                          Alt...Alex and me while we are recording a new DoTheWoo podcast

                                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                            sylvain »


                                                                                                            ActivityPub est un protocole décentralisé de réseautage social basé sur le standard ActivityStreams 2.0. Il permet aux différentes plateformes de réseaux sociaux de communiquer entre elles de manière interopérable, créant ainsi un réseau social fédéré. Les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec des personnes sur d’autres plateformes sans avoir besoin de créer des comptes séparés sur chacune d’elles. Par exemple, un utilisateur de Mastodon peut suivre et interagir avec un utilisateur de Pleroma grâce à ActivityPub.

                                                                                                            Fonctionnement d’ActivityPub

                                                                                                            ActivityPub utilise des activités (comme « suivre », « aimer », « partager ») pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’interagir les uns avec les autres. Chaque plateforme compatible avec ActivityPub peut envoyer et recevoir ces activités, permettant ainsi une communication fluide entre les différentes instances.

                                                                                                            Avantages d’ActivityPub

                                                                                                            1. Décentralisation : Contrairement aux réseaux sociaux centralisés comme Facebook ou Twitter, ActivityPub permet une décentralisation complète. Chaque instance peut être hébergée indépendamment, réduisant ainsi le risque de censure et de contrôle centralisé.
                                                                                                            2. Interopérabilité : Les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec des personnes sur d’autres plateformes, augmentant ainsi la portée et la diversité des interactions.
                                                                                                            3. Contrôle des données : Les utilisateurs ont plus de contrôle sur leurs données personnelles, car celles-ci sont hébergées sur des serveurs décentralisés.

                                                                                                            Autres protocoles équivalents

                                                                                                            1. OStatus : Prédécesseur d’ActivityPub, OStatus était utilisé par des plateformes comme GNU Social et Friendica. Il permettait également la fédération entre différentes instances, mais avec des fonctionnalités plus limitées.
                                                                                                            2. Diaspora : Diaspora utilise son propre protocole de communication décentralisé. Il permet aux utilisateurs de créer des « pods » (nœuds) indépendants qui peuvent communiquer entre eux.
                                                                                                            3. Zot/Nomad : Utilisé par des plateformes comme Hubzilla, Zot/Nomad est un autre protocole décentralisé qui permet la communication entre différentes instances. Il offre des fonctionnalités avancées de contrôle d’accès et de confidentialité.


                                                                                                            ActivityPub représente une avancée significative dans le domaine des réseaux sociaux décentralisés. En permettant une interopérabilité entre différentes plateformes, il offre une alternative viable aux réseaux sociaux centralisés. Bien que d’autres protocoles comme OStatus, Diaspora et Zot/Nomad existent, ActivityPub se distingue par sa simplicité et son adoption croissante par diverses plateformes.

                                                                                                            Mistral AI



                                                                                                            AodeRelay boosted

                                                                                                            EpicBear »

                                                                                                            @BeAware Perhaps discoverability. Since is not a single image of all posts, we need a better way to find posts we're interested in. Also, there should be less friction in engaging with another server; currently, you need to switch to that instance before you can interact with a post.

                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                              LisPi »

                                                                                                              @ophiocephalic @FediPact @VeilidNetwork @spritely > This is why it's critical to lend support and solidarity to protocol projects pointing beyond ActivityPub like @spritely and @VeilidNetwork

                                                                                                              Oh, are there properly distributed/p2p alternatives to ActivityPub coming up (some kind of spiritual successor to Scuttlebutt?) using those? It's a vulnerability and loss of agency that has been grating on me.

                                                                                                              #Veilid #p2p #ActivityPub #Spritely #Goblins #Scuttlebutt

                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                Ercanbrack »

                                                                                                                What do all of these have in common?

                                                                                                                The Fediverse
                                                                                                                and soon, Tumblr

                                                                                                                The reach is growing! 😎👍🏼


                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                  Bhavani Shankar »

                                                                                                                  Discovering the gives me the same feelings did years ago. The endless choice, excitement of discovery, clash of philosophies and a community.

                                                                                                                  I spent years from , , , etc and then back to arch. Also spent a long time switching desktop environments and window managers like i3.

                                                                                                                  I started on and . What do I try next? an server? Which one?


                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                    lps »

                                                                                                                    For anyone the doesn't see the power of and the , I absolutely love this quote from the talk with co-founder

                                                                                                                    "You have to remember that open protocols don't go away because they're not dependent on one company, Ghost could disappear tomorrow, activitypub would not .... if and when any of the closed source companies go under, so does their protocol"


                                                                                                                    *Now lose the YT link;)

                                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                      ManyRoads 🇺🇦 Cui bono? »

                                                                                                                      FWIW. I'm in the process of moving my random writings from substack to one of my WordPress websites. I have intergrated the WordPress site with the fediverse (with the help of ChatGPT).

                                                                                                                      Here is the landing page. You should be able to subscribe, if you are interested.


                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                        Reuben Walker aka mobileatom »

                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                        Symfony Station 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇵🇹 »

                                                                                                                        AodeRelay boosted

                                                                                                                        Chris Trottier »

                                                                                                                        I am a #SocialWeb advocate, not a #FediGatekeeper.

                                                                                                                        Social web advocates want everyone to have access to the social web.

                                                                                                                        Fedi Gatekeepers want #ActivityPub to be inaccessible, reserving it as the inner sanctum for an elite few.

                                                                                                                        What about you?

                                                                                                                        I believe in the Social Web:0
                                                                                                                        I’m a Fedi Gatekeeper :0


                                                                                                                          Paul Chambers🚧 »

                                                                                                                          2/ If you are on the Main branch, there was a merge fix for this issue today.

                                                                                                                          I am not versed enough in Ruby or to understand what the issue was or the fix, but there you go if it popped up in your error logs.


                                                                                                                            AodeRelay boosted

                                                                                                                            BeAware »

                                                                                                                            Just saw someone ask what's the best things about Fediverse.

                                                                                                                            Though, I think the opposite question is just as important. If the issues aren't recognized and discussed, they might not be fixed.

                                                                                                                            So, what are the worst things about Fediverse?🤔

                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                              Marius Melzer »

                                                                                                                              Es gibt eine schöne Initiative für dezentrale und offene soziale Netzwerke, mal zur Abwechslung nicht aus der Nerdecke ;)


                                                                                                                              Das wird schon von vielen bekannten Gesichtern unterstützt, u.a. von Mark-Uwe Kling, der das hier erklärt:


                                                                                                                              Unterstützen kann man es u.a. durch Mitwirken in der Petition:


                                                                                                                              Jetzt gerade ist die bei 15.000, da ist noch Luft nach oben!

                                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                TechHelpKB.com 📚 »

                                                                                                                                Tumblr has teased plans to integrate with the fediverse, the open social web powered by ActivityPub. When Tumblr's WordPress migration is complete, every Tumblr user will be able to federate their blog via ActivityPub.


                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                  Kaiman Assistant(repo watcher) » 🤖

                                                                                                                                  📦 New release for superseriousbusiness/gotosocial!

                                                                                                                                  Version: v0.17.4
                                                                                                                                  Name: v0.17.4 The Most Selective Sloth You've Ever Seen

                                                                                                                                  Here's version 0.17.4 of GoToSocial. This is a **very important security bugfix release** that addresses a dereferencing bug which, when triggered under a specific set of circumstances, can cause loss of account data on affected instances.

                                                                                                                                  We recommend everyone on v0.17.3 or below updates to this v...

                                                                                                                                  Check it out and contribute! 🚀

                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                    Rad Web Hosting »

                                                                                                                                    How to Install Pixelfed on Ubuntu VPS (8 Step Quick-Start Guide)


                                                                                                                                    How to Install Pixelfed on Ubuntu VPS

                                                                                                                                    Alt...How to Install Pixelfed on Ubuntu VPS

                                                                                                                                      AodeRelay boosted

                                                                                                                                      ⸸ commander ░ nova ⸸ :~$ »

                                                                                                                                      Posted via Nova Prime: Tumblr will be joining ActivityPub when its Wordpress migration completes, and here's all the reasons you should just block their entire domain


                                                                                                                                      #wordpress #automattic #activitypub

                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                        John Vaccaro (johniac) »

                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                        spla »

                                                                                                                                        Des de reps una publicació de que també és veu des de , , Akkoma i . Tot gràcies al protocol comú .
                                                                                                                                        Això sí que és una xarxa com cal. 👌

                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                          William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                          @ditzkoff.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                          Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                            William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                            @drericding.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                            Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                              William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                              @itimalias.com please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                              Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                @jentaub.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                  William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                  @lepapillonblue.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                  Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                    William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                    @piratesoftware.live please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                    Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                      William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                      @popbase.tv please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                      Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                        teufelswerk »

                                                                                                                                                        Tumblr wird dem Fediverse beitreten, aber erst, nachdem die WordPress-Migration abgeschlossen ist. Die zu Automattic gehörende Blogging-Plattform teilte jetzt weitere Details darüber mit, wann und wie diese Integration tatsächlich stattfinden könnte. Automattic bestätigte gestern gegenüber TechCrunch, dass nach Abschluss der Migration jeder Tumblr-Benutzer sein Blog über ActivityPub verbinden kann.


                                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                          Dark Photon Studio »

                                                                                                                                                          No. Fuck this. I literally left a few month ago because they have a serious infestation of and child . If you’re an admin, I’d suggest blocking Tumblr. The will have to deal with more and more of this as it becomes increasingly popular. support or not, we do NOT want an invasion of .


                                                                                                                                                            naturzukunft »

                                                                                                                                                            Deutschsprachiger ActivityPub Stammtisch

                                                                                                                                                            Morgen in einer Woche
                                                                                                                                                            - Do. 23.01.2025 17:00



                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                              naturzukunft »

                                                                                                                                                              Am Do. 20.02.2025 17:00 wären schon wieder 4 Wochen vergangen. Wire schauts aus mit Interesse an einem ActivityPub Stammtisch ?


                                                                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                marius »

                                                                                                                                                                Anyone else keeping track of these tags feel free to jump in if you have any actionable ideas. :) TY

                                                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                  marius »

                                                                                                                                                                  @silverpill any idea if there's a FEP regarding how to sign an activity that gets propagated through the Forwarding from Inbox mechanism? w3.org/TR/activitypub/#inbox-f

                                                                                                                                                                  My first instinct is to use the instance actor for the server that received it, but I'm not sure.

                                                                                                                                                                  Maybe the actor that received it in their inbox would be better, but that feels slightly unsanitary.

                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                    Kinkyboys Podcast »

                                                                                                                                                                    This month we have mndfcuk and @GiantBritishPuppy on to discuss the current social media landscape in the 2025 edition of state of the kinky net!

                                                                                                                                                                    Web: kinkyboyspodcast.com/a/18Z

                                                                                                                                                                    Mobile: t.ly/5Mh8z

                                                                                                                                                                    album art: state of the kinky net 2025

                                                                                                                                                                    Alt...album art: state of the kinky net 2025

                                                                                                                                                                      Event Federation »

                                                                                                                                                                      Event Bridge for ActivityPub 1.0.0

                                                                                                                                                                      When is the right time to release version 1.0.0? – If I had waited until every interoperability issue was resolved, probably never.

                                                                                                                                                                      However, the main goal of this plugin is now realized: enhancing the WordPress ActivityPub plugin to support third-party integrations – specifically, ensuring that events from popular WordPress event plugins can be shared and discovered across the Fediverse (Release on Codeberg.org). Checkout this Gancio demo site, where you can see events sourced from a WordPress site in action!

                                                                                                                                                                      A special thanks to the team at Radically Open Security (@ros) for their security review. My correspondence with the pentester Marcus Bointon (@Synchro) was not only professional but also fun and incredibly insightful – I learned far more than I could have imagined.

                                                                                                                                                                      I’m also grateful to Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle) and the other developers of the WordPress ActivityPub plugin. Collaborating with them to make the plugin more adaptable for third-party use has been a rewarding experience.

                                                                                                                                                                      A huge shoutout to @lesion for his contributions to FEP-8a8e, his insightful ideas, valuable discussions, and his incredibly quick implementations of all kinds of suggestions and bug reports in Gancio.

                                                                                                                                                                      Most importantly, a huge thank you to NLnet (@nlnet) and NGI Zero (@NGIZero). Without their support, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to develop this piece of software.

                                                                                                                                                                      What’s New in 1.0.0

                                                                                                                                                                      • Support more Event Plugins: Added support for the EventPrime and EventON event plugins.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Event Self-Announce: Automatically announces events at a configurable time before they start as reminders.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Blueprint Preview: Try out the plugin in the WordPress Playground.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Event Sources: Fetch, cache, and display events from remote ActivityPub profiles.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Custom ActivityPub Preview: Improved visibility of how events appear in the Fediverse.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Admin Setting for Plain Text Summaries: Option to enforce plain-text event summaries.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Updated Dependencies: Now requires ActivityPub plugin version 5.1.0 or higher.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Bug Fixes & Admin UI Improvements: dozens of small fixes and refinements.

                                                                                                                                                                      Remaining Challenges

                                                                                                                                                                      Despite this milestone, some interoperability issues remain. To point out a few:

                                                                                                                                                                      • Mastodon: Currently, Mastodon does not handle updates for Event objects. Issue 31114
                                                                                                                                                                      • Mobilizon’s customized ActivityPub dialect: Mobilizon was developed with the focus on federating with other Mobilizon instances. It is likely to reject everything it does not understand. Issue 1669.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Content warning & event summaries: Mastodon uses the summary property of ActivityPub for object types it doesn’t support natively. At the same time repurposed the summary property of ActivityPub together with the additional flag sensitive for content warnings. Thanks to the developers of Sharkey for the interesting discussions on this.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Instance following: Using FEP-2667 for to find an appropriate relay actor turned out not to be a good generic approach. While it works for Gancio or Mobilizon, a more complex system like WordPress has to fulfill more needs.
                                                                                                                                                                      • A common basis for using the Event object in ActivityPub: Finish FEP-8a8e and bring it to life.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Upstream ActivityPub plugin: The recent version 5.0.0 brought many improvements but also two critical bugs which limit what our plugin can do. Issue 1245 and 1269.

                                                                                                                                                                      I hope that this release will be a significant step towards making events part of the Fediverse event ecosystem, and I’m excited to see how it develops! While I have new features and concrete improvements in mind, I’m most excited to hear feedback from users and see it in action.

                                                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                        Manyfold »

                                                                                                                                                                        🥳 🎂 Manyfold v0.100.0 is out, and enables federation of public creators, objects, and collections between instances! Now you can follow any public item from a different Manyfold instance, then search, tag, organise, and get all the updates straight into your activity feed! It's a huge step towards building a decentralised Thingiverse! 😁

                                                                                                                                                                        🗞️ Full release notes:

                                                                                                                                                                        ❤️ Support us on OpenCollective: opencollective.com/manyfold

                                                                                                                                                                        🏷️ @3dprinting

                                                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                          𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕 »

                                                                                                                                                                          Oohhh… Hello Tumblr, after long time, now on the Fediverse!

                                                                                                                                                                          «Tumblr to join the fediverse after migration completes:
                                                                                                                                                                          Since 2022, blogging site has been teasing its plans to integrate with the — the open social powered by the protocol also used by , , , and others. Now, the Automattic-owned 'ging platform is sharing more information about when and how that integration could actually happen»

                                                                                                                                                                          😲 techcrunch.com/2025/02/11/tumb

                                                                                                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                            Steve Dallape ☑️ 🌎 »

                                                                                                                                                                            "Since 2022, blogging site Tumblr has been teasing its plans to integrate with the fediverse — the open social web powered by the protocol ActivityPub also used by Mastodon, Threads, Flipboard, and others."


                                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                              Chris Trottier »

                                                                                                                                                                              I think #SocialWeb devs should form a guild.

                                                                                                                                                                              Not only would this serve to pass institutional knowledge to devs who are new to #ActivityPub, but it would also serve as a means to protect them from harassment—especially since it’s so easy to break the “unwritten rules”.

                                                                                                                                                                              And while this might be something outside the mandate of the Social Web Foundation, maybe it’s something @evan may want to consider.

                                                                                                                                                                              Because something I see over and over again is:

                                                                                                                                                                              1. New devs gets excited about ActivityPub
                                                                                                                                                                              2. They build a new project
                                                                                                                                                                              3. They get harassed and bullied for daring to build something

                                                                                                                                                                              Hell, this isn’t even a problem for new devs. Old devs get caught in the crosshairs if their project reaches a certain level of popularity. And I’m not saying devs are always angels, but there should at least be some kind of organizational structure that assumes good will.

                                                                                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                白湯さゆぬ »

                                                                                                                                                                                「Tumblr to join the fediverse after WordPress migration completes」

                                                                                                                                                                                Tumblr が ActivityPub に対応する件の続き。Tumblr の全内容を WordPress の基盤に移転するのが完了したあと、既存の WordPress のプラグインを利用して Fediverse に連合できるようになるらしい。(そもそも基盤移転の目的の一つが ActivityPub‐対応であるらしい。)完了時期は未定。

                                                                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                  Loki the Cat » 🤖

                                                                                                                                                                                  🦋 Witness the great social media metamorphosis! Tumblr's half-billion blogs are preparing to spread their ActivityPub wings and join the Fediverse through WordPress migration. Same chaotic energy we love, but now with the power to flutter freely across platforms! 🌐


                                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                    Pierre-Yves Comtois »

                                                                                                                                                                                    Pour ceux et celles qui se poseraient la question, jasette.facil.services/ est une instance Mastodon (un serveur hébergeant des comptes, dont le mien), opérée par FACiL, un organisme sans but lucratif de : facil.qc.ca/

                                                                                                                                                                                    Les instances Mastodon peuvent communiquer entre elles et avec toutes les instances utilisant le protocole . (En cas de problème, il est aussi possible de migrer d'une instance à l'autre). Ce système décentralisé est nommé Fedivers.

                                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                    Linux Is Best »

                                                                                                                                                                                    A reminder that:

                                                                                                                                                                                    Mastodon Dot Social

                                                                                                                                                                                    Is still using Fastly for their hosting services.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Fastly is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.

                                                                                                                                                                                    While the Mastodon Project is based out of Germany, the United States could still interfere with their website.

                                                                                                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                      Linux Is Best »

                                                                                                                                                                                      A reminder that:

                                                                                                                                                                                      Mastodon Dot Social

                                                                                                                                                                                      Is still using Fastly for their hosting services.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Fastly is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.

                                                                                                                                                                                      While the Mastodon Project is based out of Germany, the United States could still interfere with their website.

                                                                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                        James House-Lantto (He/Him) »


                                                                                                                                                                                        Tumblr is going to join the fediverse! (Aka mastodon, Pixlr, PeerTube Etc.)

                                                                                                                                                                                        Automattic confirmed to TechCrunch that when the migration is complete, every Tumblr user will be able to federate their blog via ActivityPub, just as every WordPress.com user can today.

                                                                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                          grantpotter »

                                                                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                          Chris Trottier »

                                                                                                                                                                                          Looks like #Tumblr will finally join the #SocialWeb once migration to #WordPress is complete.

                                                                                                                                                                                          And because it’s migrating to WordPress, it will be using #ActivityPub for WordPress to do this.

                                                                                                                                                                                          What’s interesting is that people are already demanding #ATProto so Tumblr will connect to #Bluesky. But from a business perspective, that’s a bad idea unless Automattic plans to run its on firehose—which can be quite expensive.


                                                                                                                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                            Chris Trottier »

                                                                                                                                                                                            Generally, I think it’s better for devs to build #SocialWeb services that enable #ActivityPub than it is to “build for the Fediverse”.

                                                                                                                                                                                            If HOA-types say, “This is not how the Fediverse works” the natural response is to say, “I’m building for the Social Web with an open protocol backed by the W3C, and I’ve chosen this because it’s a web standard.”

                                                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                              Cliff »

                                                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                              Matt Wiebe »

                                                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                              Chris Trottier »

                                                                                                                                                                                              You can now broadcast events across the #SocialWeb via #ActivityPub for #WordPress using Event Bridge for WordPress!

                                                                                                                                                                                              That feature alone is pretty nifty, but I’m also loving this modular approach towards building new Social Web services.


                                                                                                                                                                                                #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                beitmenotyou »

                                                                                                                                                                                                Exciting news! 🎉 Tumblr will join the Fediverse after completing its WordPress migration. This means a more open and interconnected social web experience for all users. Stay tuned for updates!


                                                                                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Andy Rush »

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Post. Repost. That is all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                    James Smith 💾 »

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The final stages of this development phase on @manyfold have been like digging through solid rock... but... now I can just about stick a hand through and shake hands with a Frenchman.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                      William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                                                                      @morgfair.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                                                                        #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                        William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                                                                        @keithedwards.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                                                                          #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                          William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                                                                          @kyledcheney.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                                                                            #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                            William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                                                                            @stephencolbert.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                                                                              #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                              William Maggos »

                                                                                                                                                                                                              @joyannreid.bsky.social please follow @ap.brid.gy so that people on #mastodon and other #ActivityPub services can communicate with you. we become immune to billionaire takeover when all the networks work together and it's easy to switch and stay connected. thanks. fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky...

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bridgy Fed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Steve Dallape ☑️ 🌎 »

                                                                                                                                                                                                                "While none of the newcomers is anywhere near ready to rival Meta’s size and scope, their ability to even carve out a small niche within Meta’s shadow is compelling."


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  gomli »


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Je vois qu'il y a 2 solutions fonctionnels pour la gestion des évènements, et .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Comme les 2 sont intégrées au , est-ce qu'il est possible de voir les évènements de l'un sur l'autre vu que la communication inter instance est sensé se faire via le protocole ?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Et est-ce qu'il est possible d'avoir une recherche d'évènement global (comme sepia search pour peertube) pour les évènements des instances fédérées ?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    🌈 Lascapi ⁂ »

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #activitypub boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SoapDog »

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    hey what is the current server that provides features similar to or that uses the fewest resources? Is there anything there that is good for single user instances?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I'm aware of GoToSocial and Honk but wondering what else is there.

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