jrollans.com is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Site description
These are the voyag... uh, things I post about.
Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #activitypub

melroy »

Mbin v1.8.1 released

I know, it has been a while :D. However, we are happy to release v1.8.1!

Mainly a lot of bug fixes / improvements. Composer package dependency updates. Lot of documentation and language improvements (we also got Catalan now fully translated, thanks!). Feel free to upgrade to PHP v8.4 as well.

A noticeable fronted difference to point out is that we now put thumbnails in a lightbox by default. Although this can be changed by the end-user at: ⚙ Settings -> Under "Threads" section -> "Thread thumbnails opens full screen" option.

See full release notes: https://github.com/MbinOrg/mbin/releases/tag/v1.8.1

Mbin logo in Retrowave style.

Alt...Mbin logo in Retrowave style.

Encyclia »

For the question whether Encyclia's ORCID bridge should be opt-in or opt-out (that is, whether we should bridge ORCID records without their owners' knowledge), I – @julian – will speak personally for a moment.

It is the central design question of Encyclia and one that has been on my mind since I started prototyping the platform. I have put as much thought into it as I am capable of, and I have sought feedback from multiple privacy and safety experts.

    Week in Fediverse :fediverse_light: »

    Simon Daron »

    Les projets les plus actifs (que j'ai trouvé) qui proposent un support généraliste pour

    - Pyfed, @kene29 Très belle librairie mais très jeune (2024). Cherche des testeurs & contributeurs.
    - django-activitypub-toolkit @raphael Activement développé github.com/mushroomlabs/django
    - Takahé: An efficient ActivityPub Server, for small installs with multiple domains. Compatible API Mastodon mais n'a pas bougé depuis plus d'un an docs.jointakahe.org/en/latest/

      AodeRelay boosted

      Elena Rossini ⁂ »

      AodeRelay boosted

      Daniel Gultsch »

      Is there any / URI scheme used in the wild that would allow me to open an ActivityPub account directly in my Android app?

      I've seen 'acct' and 'web+ap' mentioned but none seem to be implemented.

      The goal is that given a text of "Here is my Mastodon profile acct:daniel@gultsch.social" can link that directly into . (Just like mailto and xmpp URIs open my E-Mail or IM app respectively)

      Have @apps or @Tusky considered that? If not why not?

        AodeRelay boosted

        Paul Chambers🚧 »

        Maybe it is because my self-hosted server went down 14-hours yesterday due to a Debian package update that screwed up NGINX and server admin is heavily on my mind, but I woke up in a panic, even screaming "Oh F*ck" ready to take action, because I was in a realistic dream that I had a WordPress blog that received thousands of spam replies with links and when I went to delete all those out of quarantine, I actually approved them and fed the ActvitiyPub firehose tens of thousands of spam.

        It left me with wondering if replies originating on a enabled blog federates or not. Time to do some reading.

          𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐃𝐚𝐝 »

          @dansup The follower approval feature itself in is the vulnerability. It is wrong to give users the expectation that their social media posts are private. Also, approving followers reminds me of DRM on mp3 files. What are we doing?

            Danny Garside »

            Is there a way to discuss things on / / ?

              AodeRelay boosted

              daltux »

              @rennerocha@chaos.social @cadusilva@bolha.one @fediadminbr@a.gup.pe @rennerocha@chaos.social Pelo que estão dizendo, então nem é exatamente uma limitação do protocolo e sim da ideia de Web Social: receio ser simplesmente impossível garantir o que a máquina alheia vai fazer com os dados a que ela tiver acesso. Se acharmos que a solução passaria por alguma restrição da comunicação apenas a servidores com sistemas pré-homologados, além de ainda ser impossível saber o que quem administra tal máquina faz com ela, acabaria sendo instalada a privação de liberdade aqui também e adeus :fediverse: ☠️ ⚰️

              Para controlar quem tem acesso (ao menos inicial) a determinado conteúdo, a maneira indicada, atualmente, seria com criptografia assimétrica. Isso sim pode vir a ser especificado pelo ActivityPub, na troca de atividades não públicas. Não sei se já há essa previsão, senão poderiam sugeri-la ao grupo de trabalho da Web Social no W3C. Porém, mesmo assim, penso ser algo talvez inviável: garantido mesmo seria apenas se todos dominassem totalmente as próprias máquinas sem poder compartilhá-las, tanto remetente quanto destinatário das mensagens, aí morre a ideia de Web Social também.

              Então, pensando bem, o pessoal que bolou o por anos já deve ter ponderado essas coisas.

              O jeito é conscientizar a galera mesmo, como bem apontou Cadu.

              Senão, pensam em alguma outra solução? 😅

                scy »

                Oh, great. had a broken implementation of "follower-only" posts, _and_ fucked up the disclosure / bugfix release process.


                Summary of the bug: If you have a protected account (on Pixelfed, Mastodon, GTS, whatever) and a Pixelfed user followed you and got approved by you, _all_ users on that instance were now able to see your followers-only posts, not just the one you approved.

                  Steffo :steffo: »

                  HOLY FUCK!

                  Stay the fuck away from loops.video! (bajsicki.com/blog/loops-video-)

                  Also, if you have any followers from an unpatched Pixelfed server, you might want to know that your follower-only posts can be easily read by people who aren't following you. (fokus.cool/2025/03/25/pixelfed)

                  If you're hosting a Pixelfed instance: Good luck updating! 🫡

                    fiona :loading: »

                    Pixelfed before v0.12.5 has a vulnerability where it could leak your private posts, regardless of whether you are a Pixelfed user or not.
                    Admins should update ASAP.

                    When following someone from a different server on the Fediverse, the remote server decides whether you are allowed to do that. This enables features like locked accounts. Due to an implementation mistake, Pixelfed ignores this and allows anyone to follow even private accounts on other servers. If a legitimate user from a Pixelfed instance follows you on your locked account, anyone on that Pixelfed instance can read your private posts.

                    I wrote a blog post about how I found the vulnerability, how disclosure coordination went and general ramblings about Fediverse safety:

                      AodeRelay boosted

                      Ricardo Martín »

                      Some grumpy, old users compare the exodus to ActivityPub to those "never-ending Septembers"... Please don’t be one of those users 😅

                        0 ★ 0 ↺

                        Jonathan Rollans »

                        There are so many great projects out there now and I want to play with all of them, but I don’t even have time enough to really enjoy the other 500 hobby things I’ve got going on.

                          @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman: »

                          Paul Frazee ( @pfrazee.com ):

                          ActivityPump got renamed to ActivityPub — that was a good rename 🙂

                            @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman: »

                            Paul Frazee ( @pfrazee.com ):

                            Bluesky didn't use ActivityPub for 2 reasons —


                            Because of the identity issue.

                            Once you make a choice (of server) you are locked in.

                            You cannot migrate freely.

                            (Current Fediverse migration not good enough.)


                            The culture on the Fediverse at the time.

                            There was a culture on the Fediverse of being hostile towards global aggregators.

                            ( @reiver note: AFAICT, this is a very small minority of hyper hostile individuals.)

                              @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman: »

                              Nick Gerakines ( @ngerakines.me ):

                              ActivityPub and Mastodon are effectively the same thing to most people.

                              ( @reiver note: this seems similar to the phrase "the Mastodon in the room".)

                                Week in Fediverse :fediverse_light: »

                                ティージェーグレェ »

                                I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' snac to 2.74 here:


                                3/3 of GitHub Continuous Integration checks completed successfully!

                                Thanks to you (and gnemmi, pmjv, daltux, inz, Popolon, sn4il, mistivia, zen, Menel, uhuru, anzu, violette, and rozenglass; hopefully I didn't miss anyone?) for the continued improvements!

                                As with previous PRs I have submitted, I am abstaining from commit access until I have less chaos in my life to be able to take on more responsibilities, so it's up to someone else to merge it.

                                  wakest ⁂ boosted

                                  The Real Grunfink »

                                  I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.74 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes a lot of web UI translations by lovely people and a bit of minor tweaks and fixes:

                                  Added Spanish (default, Argentina and Uruguay) translation (contributed by gnemmi).

                                  Added Czech translation (contributed by pmjv).

                                  Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (contributed by daltux).

                                  Added Finnish translation (contributed by inz).

                                  Added French translation (contributed by Popolon).

                                  Added Russian translation (contributed by sn4il).

                                  Added Chinese translation (contributed by mistivia).

                                  Added German translation (contributed by zen and Menel).

                                  Added Greek translation (contributed by uhuru).

                                  Added Italian translation (contributed by anzu).

                                  Mastodon API: added support for /api/v1/custom_emojis (contributed by violette).

                                  Improved Undo+Follow logic (contributed by rozenglass).

                                  Reverted (temporarily) the Markdown code that converted text between underscores to italics, because it was causing more problems that what it was worth.

                                  Fixed bug in bookmark CSV import.

                                  Don't indent Twitter-like "threads" (i.e. chains of short posts from the same author that are self-replies).


                                  If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                    BeAware :fediverse: »

                                    Fediverse Report »

                                    New: Fediverse Report #108

                                    This week's news:
                                    - Ghost's (@index) connection to the is now availabe in public beta for Ghost Pro users, with both an connection to send long-form posts into the fediverse, and a reader app to read/comment/interact with the fediverse
                                    - @anewsocial , the organisation that manages the bridge between the fediverse and shared their upcoming plans

                                    Read at: fediversereport.com/fediverse-

                                      Mia Quagliarello »

                                      Who are the finest builders in the ecosystem, in your opinion?

                                        gyptazy boosted

                                        The Real Grunfink »

                                        I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.70 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                        Notifications are now shown in a more compact way (i.e. all reactions are shown just above your post, instead of repeating the post ad nauseam for every reaction).

                                        New command-line option unmute to, well, no-longer-mute an actor.

                                        The private timeline now includes an approximate mark between new posts and "already seen" ones.

                                        Fixed a spurious 404 error in the instance root URL for some configurations.


                                        If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/

                                        This release has been inspired by the song The Answers to the Questions by and .

                                          3 ★ 4 ↺

                                          Jonathan Rollans »

                                          Hey, folks that know more than me about the protocol, I have a question:

                                          What kind of issues or concerns might I have if I shut down one kind of AP server software and then set up a different AP server on the domain previously occupied by the now decommissioned first AP server?

                                          (I don’t think the soon-to-be-shutdown server has a self-destruct.)

                                            0 ★ 1 ↺

                                            Jonathan Rollans »

                                            Of course the “firehose” is being used like this. The simple fact that it’s an enormous public fountain of information makes it a great target for training models. And in sure it’s being done with as well. No matter what people think, the Fediverse is being ingested into training models and all sorts of other things.

                                            The only way to make sure you don’t contribute to things like this is to not participate in public internet social media services.


                                              The Real Grunfink »

                                              I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.62 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                              Added a new user option to collapse top level threads by default.

                                              Added a new disable_block_notifications boolean field to server.json to disable the notifications of Block activities.

                                              Added a new strict_public_timelines boolean field to server.json to only show an account's posts and boosts (no trees) in public timelines.

                                              Fixed repeated images in posts from some implementations (those that include an image both as an attachment and as an <img> tag inside the post content).

                                              Added a small HTML/CSS tweak to improve post previews from some implementations (contributed by nyanide).

                                              Notifications for EmojiReact activities now show the emoji.

                                              New command-line action insert, to insert a post by its URL in a user's timeline.

                                              Fixed bad processing/rendering of URLs with two or more @ symbols.


                                              If you find useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/donate

                                              This release has been inspired by the song Subways Of Your Mind by .

                                                0 ★ 1 ↺

                                                Jonathan Rollans »

                                                I’ve let my programming skills languish for so many years now that I practically don’t remember anything of use anymore, but lately I’ve really been wanting to get back into it. I know I want to do something with , but I’m not sure what.

                                                  3 ★ 5 ↺

                                                  Jonathan Rollans »

                                                  I would be curious to see the amount of monthly active users federating via that are _not_ using as their server instance. Basically I want to know the number of folks that actively use the sans Mastodon statistics.

                                                  Anyone got an idea?

                                                    3 ★ 5 ↺

                                                    Jonathan Rollans »

                                                    I would be curious to see the amount of monthly active users federating via that are _not_ using as their server instance. Basically I want to know the number of folks that actively use the sans Mastodon statistics.

                                                    Anyone got an idea?

                                                      1 ★ 1 ↺

                                                      Jonathan Rollans »

                                                      I’m hearing some fantastic thunder right now! I wish there was a straightforward way to share audio recordings via . There probably is, but I am unaware of it…

                                                        1 ★ 1 ↺

                                                        Jonathan Rollans »

                                                        I’m hearing some fantastic thunder right now! I wish there was a straightforward way to share audio recordings via . There probably is, but I am unaware of it…

                                                          The Real Grunfink »

                                                          I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.51 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                                          Support for custom Emojis has been added; they are no longer hardcoded, but read from the emojis.json file at the server base directory. Also, they are no longer limited to string substitutions, but images as external URLs are also supported (see snac(8) for more information).

                                                          Fixed a bug that caused some notifications to be lost when coming from a user in the same instance.

                                                          Added an additional check for blocked instances (sometimes, posts from blocked sites that were ancestors of legit posts were 'leaking' into the timeline).

                                                          On OpenBSD, if the disable_email_notifications server flag is set to true, unveil() is not called for the execution of the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary and pledge() doesn't set the exec promise.


                                                          If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

                                                          This release has been inspired by the album Eternal Embers by .

                                                            The Real Grunfink »

                                                            I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.50 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

                                                            Incoming posts can now be filtered out by content using regular expressions on a server level (these regexes are written in the filter_reject.txt file at the server base directory; see snac(5) and snac(8)).

                                                            Improved page position after hitting the Hide or MUTE buttons (for most cases).

                                                            Use a shorter maximum conversation thread level (also, this maximum value is now configurable at compilation level with the MAX_CONVERSATION_LEVELS define).

                                                            Fixed a bug where editing a post made the attached media or video to be lost.

                                                            The way of refreshing remote actor data has been improved.

                                                            Posting from the command-line now allows attachments.

                                                            Added defines for time to enable MacOS builds (contributed by andypiper).


                                                            If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/grunfink

                                                            This release has been inspired by the song The Raven by .

                                                              1 ★ 2 ↺

                                                              Jonathan Rollans »

                                                              I see that now supports Articles posted to which means they will not appear in Mastodon clients (generally, I think) right?

                                                              Speaking of ActivityPub, anyone have some concise and simple breakdown documentation links handy? There’s kind of an overwhelming amount or information out there.