Jonathan Rollans

I can’t be certain if this is my main or my alt account, but you’re here and I’m here, so, hello!

I’m a and a lover of (most of my “hobby time” is spent working on various bits of server software with a recent heavy lean towards ).

This account resides on an instance of (an ActivityPub server software) running on .

Also, I’m a lifelong, massive, fan. I love it all, I don’t hate on any Trek, it’s all good. Especially the bad.


Location: 39.5501° N,105.7821° W

48 following 14 followers

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Jonathan Rollans »

My partner and I just finished the entirety of the series (like all of it) and it was a really great ride. I’m actually really glad I never watched anything prior to and of course the original movie when it came out. There was a lot of cheese in places (especially in SG1), but I personally like cheese.

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    Jonathan Rollans »

    There were also some really great sci-fi concept episodes in all the different shows. Especially loved the time dilation because of black hole at the other end of the Stargate episode!

      Cavyherd »


      & as Wormhole X-Treme suggests, they were fully, completely aware of the cheese throughout all the series.

      If you haven't already & have Netflix, check out Travelers. Also Brad Wright.

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        Jonathan Rollans » Yes and it was fantastic! I was also especially fond of the 200th episode, cleverly titled “200”. It’s funny to think I never watched it while it was airing because I thought it looked too cheesy… now it’s one of my favorite aspects.

        I watched the premiere of Travelers back when it first aired, not sure why I didn’t keep going, but I’ll give another go!


          Cavyherd »


          Like, they lampshade EVERY implausible trope in television SF. "Why don't they fall through the floor?"
