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Search results for tag #startrekpicard

Jörg Hillebrand »

When I worked as research assistant on season 2 of , I came up with some ideas for visual references to what California was like in the summer of 2024 in 's "Past Tense". None of it was used in the end but here are my suggestions.

Jörg Hillebrand »

"Recall Chen" graffiti is seen several times in the 's "Mercy" ↖️↗️, set in April 2024. This is a callback to California Governor Chen, as mentioned in 's "Past Tense II"↙️↘️, set in August/September 2024. Nice continuity, isn't it? 😊

Brian Tatosky »

Man, I wish I could have gotten the Voyager-A into 3rd season of Picard :)

(Mostly because I want to stare a the model and fly around it.)

Jörg Hillebrand »

2384/2385, :
Asencia develops quantum tunneling/wormhole technology to destroy the Federation. She is stopped and the technology is sent to Daystrom Station.
2401, :
Vadic steals the technology from Daystrom Station and turns it into a portal weapon. She is later stopped as well and ejects the technology.
Notice the recurring hexagons (3rd pic).

Jörg Hillebrand »

The crates carried away from Asencia's lab at the end of 's "Ouroboros II"↘️ feature the Daystrom Insitute logo, introduced in 's "Remembrance"⬆️. I wonder if they will end up in the Daystrom Station vault ("The Next Generation"↙️).

Jörg Hillebrand »

When I watched 's "Ouroboros II"⬇️ I was elated to see that Dr. Crusher's Cor Caroli V award (from 's "The Next Generation"⬇️) was seen in her flat. As research assistant, I suggested that award ➡️ and I'm mighty proud that I thus contributed in a tiny way to Prodigy as well!😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

In 's "Ouroboros II", we only see the (vice) admiral variant of the new 2385 Starfleet uniform, originally introduced in flashback scenes in 's "The End is the Beginning"↘️. The Andorian admiral is first seen in it⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Two London landmarks, the Shard and the Gherkin (though flipped), can be seen behind Dr. Crusher in 's "Ouroboros II"⬆️. This works nicely with her stating that Jack went to school in London in 's "Seventeen Seconds"⬇️. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are shots of the First Contact Day 2385 attack on Mars, as seen in 's "Ouroboros II"⬆️ and corresponding shots from 's "The End is the Beginning"⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

's "Touch of Grey"⬅️ features the season 2 version of the Starfleet Command emblem ("The Star Gazer"➡️) after it had previously featured the Picard season 1 version earlier in season 2. I love these small details! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Mentioning previous (Living Construct battle) and ongoing events (Romulan evacuation) like that in 's "Ascension I"↖️↗️⬅️➡️↙️ and then also mentioning the A500 androids ('s "Maps and Legends"↘️) was first-class foreshadowing! 👌👌

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love that this version of the Starfleet Command logo (originally introduced in season 1 of ) was animated for season 2 of (here "Ascension I"), featuring a rotating delta and a circling star! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x12 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Fun fact: I chose the name of the Excelsior II class USS Eureka for season 2 of . I was looking for names similar to "Excelsior" and found out that "Excelsior" was the state motto of New York. I looked for other US state mottos and saw that "Eureka" is California's state motto. That's how the ship got its name. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x09 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love all those sweater metaphores (sweaterphores?) Wesley uses in 's "The Devourer of All Things I" @jennifermuro! :-) It is also wonderful how a connection to 's "Farewell" is established, using Wesley's very similar words. 😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x07 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

's "The Fast and the Curious"↘️ features a rare Borg logo appearance. So far, it has only been seen in these earlier episodes:
: "Q Who", "TBoBW I+II", "Descent I+II", : "Unimatrix Zero I" and : "Penance".

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy "Into the Breach I" Spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love how season 2 is showing the switch from the earlier Starfleet Command logo ("Into the Breach I"↖️↗️⬅️) to the updated one ➡️ from , first seen in 2385 ("The End is the Beginning"⬇️). :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I started working on my lecture PowerPoint presentation today, covered everything until late 2020 when I started work as a research assistant on . Crazy how many years I've already been a Trekkie and grateful for all the joy it has brought me over the years!

Jörg Hillebrand »

I finally caved in and got myself another Promellian battlecruiser model from @MasterReplicas_. It was used on (in "The Star Gazer"↖️ and "The Next Generation"↗️) after all and it's my last chance to build my own ship in a bottle! Do hurry!
Happy ! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Various Eaglemoss starship models have appeared on in the last few years, including 's "Monsters"↖️, "Hide and Seek"↗️, "The Next Generation"↙️ and "Seventeen Seconds"↘️. Now's your last chance to get them from @MasterReplicas_ :

Jörg Hillebrand »

Both the Romulan pistols and rifles seen in the episode "Masquerade"⬆️ are the ones also used in season 1 of ("Remembrance"⬇️). In the former, they fire green beams, in the latter, they fire red beams.

Jörg Hillebrand »

@DarioZanette @tbalena It later became the USS Enterprise, as confirmed by 's "Bounty".

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Life, Itself" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Among the items in Kovich's collection in 's "Life, Itself"↖️ is a bottle of Chateau Picard. It features the same label and vintage (2249) as Georgiou's bottle from "The Vulcan Hello"⬇️. The prop most likely comes from 's "The Star Gazer"⬆️↗️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Two years later, in 2022, the Betazoid emblem also appeared on one of the Federation member flags seen at Starfleet Academy in 's "The Star Gazer", giving the species an official flag! I hope this flag is still somewhere in the archives! 8/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

One of the trophies seen in Picard's quantum archive in 's"Remembrance" is a Betazoid Loyalties award. The prop was seen at several exhibitions and I first noticed the trophy in @trekcore gallery of the exhibition but quickly forgot about it. 2/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love that the Betazoid emblem, created by fan David Bilic (aka Zeleni) 17 years ago, has now been seen in three shows: ↖️↗️, ↙️ and ↘️ . Learn the full story and find out why the emblem has come full circle! 1/14 🧵

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'll finally get to wear this outrageous shirt that @DaveBlass sent me for my work on season 2+3 at . Perfect opportunity! 🖖
If you see me in it, say Hi! :-)

0 ★ 0 ↺

Jonathan Rollans »

Finished and now we’re halfway through . It’s been a fantastic, uh, trek… I’ve noticed so, so many references, Easter eggs, and just general continuity within the newer shows that I just did not catch when watching as it aired. I enjoyed Picard just fine initially, but I’m enjoying it so much more now!

0 ★ 0 ↺

Jonathan Rollans »

Finished and now we’re halfway through . It’s been a fantastic, uh, trek… I’ve noticed so, so many references, Easter eggs, and just general continuity within the newer shows that I just did not catch when watching as it aired. I enjoyed Picard just fine initially, but I’m enjoying it so much more now!