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Search results for tag #startrekdiscovery

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x05 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

The quantum torpedos fired by USS Vpyager-A in 's "Observer's Paradox"⬆️ are blue, just like when quantum torpedos were fired in past episodes ("Star Trek: First Contact"➡️, 's "Defiant"↙️, 's "People of Earth"↘️).

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x05 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

They are really hard to see in the dark in Gwyn's quarters in 's "Observer's Paradox"↖️↗️ but there are two Malcolm Leland Lantern, model 23L ↘️ there, just like Balok's in "The Corbomite Maneuver"⬅️➡️ and McCoy's in"Operation - Annihilate!"↙️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekProdigy 2x04 [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love that among the first understandable words Murf ever speaks in 's "Observer's Paradox"↖️↗️ are "mushroom" and "disco". What a nice ("Context is for Kings"↙️↘️) callback! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'll do some more work on 's "Temporal Mechanics 101" today but I have already started researching the next episode "Observer's Paradox". Boy! There is a lot to cover in that episode! :-)

Brian Tatosky »


Good stuff on Discovery Season 5 and Strange New Worlds.

If you had to boil our VFX down to a phrase: “It’s always story-driven”

Jörg Hillebrand »

During Burnham's Progenitor-induced time-lapse vision in 's "Life, Itself", three clips of Apollo/Saturn V rocket footage are seen. This will go nicely here @eas_trek:

Jörg Hillebrand »

I would really love to get a good look at Kovich's Starfleet delta collection, seen here in 's "Life, Itself"↖️. 😅

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are two shots of the Breen fighters, seen in 's "Life, Itself"⬆️➡️, using the same model as the larger Breen scout seen a little later. It can be seen that the ship takes inspiration from the Breen warship from ("'Til Death Do Us Part"⬇️).

Jörg Hillebrand »

I must admit, at first I didn't realize that the 33rd century scenes at the end of 's "Life, Itself" would also tackle Calypso and Zora⬇️ (I thought that had been covered in "Face the Strange"). But when Burnham said "Last dance"⬆️, I knew what was coming. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Of course, I gotta mention Geordi's season 2-Generations VISOR ("Galaxy's Child"↗️) and Sisko's (rather clean...) baseball ("In the Cards"↘️) in Kovich's collection in 's "Life, Itself"⬅️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

With five names on Kovich's list and five puzzle pieces, I had all but forgotten forgotten about the sixth scientist when watching 's "Life, Itself"⬇️, so here's the reference to the killed scientist in "Jinaal"⬆️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

A callback to my season 3 32nd century starship posts:
Here are all the starship classes seen in the 33rd century scenes in "Life, Itself", using my original designations and the actual class names, when available. Angelou class no show since "Kobayashi Maru".

Jörg Hillebrand »

Thanks to the season 5 poster ⬅️, we got a good look at the Eternal Gallery and Archive. Notice the red highlights! They are definitely there in "Labyrinths"➡️ but can only barely be made out. Does somebody have the Photoshop skills to bring them out more?

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm happy Dr. Culber finally got to say the "I'm a Doctor..." catch phrase in the final episode of , "Life Itself". :-) He certainly is in great company! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

"Build the One Between the Many". As I'm currently also covering 's "Final Mission", I feel it's my duty to inform you that the 9 triangles in 's "Life, Itself"⬆️➡️ could also have been arranged to form the pattern on Dirgo's travel case ↙️↘️.😅

Jörg Hillebrand »

In 's "Life, Itself", during Saru and T'Rina's wedding, we got a final good look at the Xindi representative (established as such in season 4's "...But to Connect"). I hope we will see more of them in ! A Xindi cadet would be awesome!😀

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are some shots of the 33rd century Starfleet communicator pin and the delta on the ground in front of Burnham's house, as seen in 's "Life, Itself". Close inspection reveals that the commbadge has the split delta ↙️, the emblem on the ground doesn't.

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love that Admiral Burnham's shuttle at the end of 's "Life, Itself" is named UFP-47, keeping the old injoke of all the 47s in alive until the 33rd century. It doesn't take much to make me happy and this made me happy. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are shots of the USS Discovery saucer in ' "Calypso"⬆️ and in 's "Life, Itself"⬇️, as seen at the very end of the episode. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

The 21st century city that is briefly seen in Burnham's visions in 's "Life, Itself" is Berlin, Germany. If you look closely, you can make out "Dussmann Das KulturKaufhaus", which is located at Friedrichstraße 90 in Berlin. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I loved these revelations in "Life, Itself". It means that almost everybody from can easily be brought back in in a guest or recurring role as a mentor and it means Tilly will be back!!! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I knew I had seen the cool shield radiation enhancer in 's "Life, Itself"⬅️ before: in season 4 of the show, it was the holographic emitter in Burnham's quarters, only lighting up when a holo was active ("Rubicon"↗️, "Anomaly"➡️, "Face the Strange"↘️).😀

Jörg Hillebrand »

We see the Selay (?) representative again at Saru's and T'Rina's wedding in 's "Life, Itself". What a cool alien make-up! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

One of the objects seen in Kovich's collection in 's "Life, Itself"➡️ (but already glimpsed in "Red Directive") is a season 1/2 "dustbuster" type 2 phaser ("The Royale"⬅️). :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Same kind of vibes: Kovich and Burnham in 's "Red Directive"⬆️ and Daniels and Archer in 's "Shockwave II"⬇️. 👌

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are some shots of the USS Discovery saucer separation, as seen in 's "Life, Itself". I love that little ring of debris seen at the very beginning of the sequence. This must not have been attempted for quite some time... ;-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Admiral Burnham's insignia in the future scenes in 's "Life, Itself"↖️↗️ features a Starfleet arrowhead inside the Federation emblem "leaves". This is a cool callback to the similar 24th century Starfleet Command/admiral's belt buckle on ↙️↘️.😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

I was super happy to see a yellow-leaved World Root tree (originally from Kwejian, 's "Kobayashi Maru"↘️) now grows on red-treed Sanctuary Four in "Life, Itself"↖️. We see the box with the cuttings (from "Labyrinths"↙️) prominently in Burnham's bedroom ↗️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm glad Zora did finally find out who or what Craft is in the episode "Calypso"⬇️. The fact that Admiral Burnham even knew about the word "Craft" in 's "Life, Itself"↖️↗️⬅️➡️ can only mean that Kovich/Daniel gave her some hints. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm 100% sure that Kovich's horga'hn (seen in 's "Red Directive"↖️ and "Life, Itself"↗️) is a William T. Riker memento, Riker being the only person shown with a horga'hn connection numerous times on and .😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

As sadly has come to an end and season 2 of is on the horizon (...and 24+ more seasons of 1966-2005 are still waiting...) let me just say once more: I love doing Star Trek research, it's so much fun!! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I was super happy when I learnt that Dr. Marina Derex was the very first person to meet the Progenitor in 's "Life, Itself". I feel kind of connected to her after translating her work (sounds preposterous! 🙈) and researching the Betazoid emblem. 😅

Jörg Hillebrand »

When season 5 started 9 weeks ago, I was in the middle of researching observations for 's "The Host". I'm glad I can finish the episode now, once I've stopped finding stuff in "Life, Itself". :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Admiral Burnham entering the Discovery bridge for the last time in 's "Life, Itself"⬆️ and Craft entering the Discovery bridge for the first time in ' "Calypso"⬇️. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

We find inspirational Gene @roddenberry quotes like these at startrek.com and it is often said that 's "The Chase" is a very Roddenberry-esque episode. In that context, I found the Progenitor's words in 's "Life Itself" so very fitting! 🖖

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Burnham and Book's future house and home in the final moments of 's "Life, Itself" is located on Sanctuary Four (1st + 2nd pic). The planet first appeared at the end of "That Hope is You, part 1" (notice the identical rocks, 3rd + 4th pic). A new home for Book!

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I just want to thank the people who designed the new version of the emblem and put it inside the shuttle. I've been waiting for a change to the emblem since the end of season 3 of and this is very very welcome. Thank you for taking the time, it's appreciated! 🖖

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

It's only seen very briefly in the 33rd century scenes in 's "Life, Itself"⬇️ but notice how the Federation emblem has changed in comparison to the 32nd century version ⬆️. There are more stars and the olive leaves (of old) replace the serrated edge. Love it! 😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I'm glad I'm not the only one (@seanferrick 🖖) who noticed this but in Kovich's collection in 's "Life, Itself"↖️↗️ is also a Janeway item: the microscope seen in her ready room in all 7 seasons of ("The Cloud"↙️, "Counterpoint"↘️). 😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery finale spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

This was the first moment that brought me to tears in 's "Life, Itself". The sudden and unexpected callback to brought back memories of how devastated I was when the show was cancelled. The love it got here (plus the ST theme) was wonderful!

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love the visuals on the inside of the Progenitor tech in 's "Life, Itself". I'm wondering: is this a repesentation of a tesseract? It reminded me of similar scenes (and music cues) in "Interstellar". I loved the choral music in "Life, Itself" here!

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Craft leaves the Discovery in ' "Calypso" in a shuttle⬆️ and Discovery leaves for the final time, shuttlebay closed, in 's "Life, Itself". :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Life, Itself" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Among the items in Kovich's collection in 's "Life, Itself"↖️ is a bottle of Chateau Picard. It features the same label and vintage (2249) as Georgiou's bottle from "The Vulcan Hello"⬇️. The prop most likely comes from 's "The Star Gazer"⬆️↗️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Life, Itself" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love Saru's development and growth over the course of 5 seasons of . Just look how far he's come, from the pilot episode "The Vulcan Hello"⬅️ to the series finale "Life, Itself"➡️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Over the years, has given us many beautiful, colorful (definitely not Canadian😜) forests. I just love this collage! :-)
"That Hope Is You, part I"
"Under the Twin Moons"
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
"Life, Itself".

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Life Itself" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I found the shot of Saru and Nhan's shuttle dropping out of warp in 's "Life, Itself", as seen from the cockpit, so very beautiful! The streak of stars first is green, than turns blue, then separate star streaks can be seen and finally you just see space.🤩

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDisovery "Life, Itself" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

The Vulcan IDIC symbol has been seen in the opening credits since season 2 of the show ⬇️. I'm glad that what IDIC stands for, infinite diversity in infinite combinations" was mentioned in "Life, Itself"⬇️ and exemplified by the show! 🖖

Jörg Hillebrand »

Watching 's "Life, Itself" for the seond time around, this time with me friends. It's insane, how many more things I'm noticing the second time around. I'll be busy! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Life Itself spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Being the alien starship fanboy I am, I was happy with joy when I saw that the Breen scout vessel in 's "Life, Itself"↖️↗️ is clearly inspired by the Breen interceptor from ⬇️. Both are asymmetrical and feature octagonal shapes! :-) :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Life, Itself spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

In case you have skipped the opening credits of 's "Life, Itself", do yourself a favour and watch them! They feature shots from all five versions of the opening credits from all five seasons. It's been quite a story! :-)

Science Blue »

Disco Series Finale and Season 6 discussion [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

"So much so, in fact, that, as the show began winding down production on Season 5, Paradise had started planning to make 'Calypso' the central narrative engine for Season 6. "

"The story, nascent as it was, was eventually going to be tying that thread up and connecting ‘Discovery’ back with ‘Calypso,’” she says."

Inside the ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Series Finale: The Last-Minute Coda, the Surprise Easter Eggs, and What Season 6 Would Have Been About (EXCLUSIVE)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm really really glad Netflix did not drop season 2 of while season 5 was still running. Both shows absolutely deserve our fullest attention and time to be celebrated and loved. Now that Disco is over 😭 can't wait for more Prodigy! 🎉😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

I will write about the finale "Life, Itself" today but not about the final 25 minutes, yet. Please respect that when you comment! There's plenty of cool stuff to write and think about, I loved the episode! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

's "Lagrange Point" brought back a 32nd century Intrepid class ship (possibly the USS Voyager-J?) after the class had been noticeably absent in season 5 so far! O hope we will see more of the ship in ! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love this tool box that has been seen prominently in several season 5 episodes, including "Erigah". It's a nice little prop with some diverse engineering tools! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

I shed some tears twice while watching the finale just now. And I'm glad I watched it without knowing any spoilers beforehand. That's exactly why I will not write anything about the episode today, apart from this, because others deserve the same chance! 🖖🟡🔻

Jörg Hillebrand »

Just as I was about to start watching the finale, this gift from Bernd Schneider of @eas_trek arrived per mail. I will definitely wear this at my next convention. Thank you very much Bernd!! 👌😊👌

Jörg Hillebrand »

We get our best look yet at a member of the Xindi representative's species (from "...But to Connect") in 's "Lagrange Point"⬇️. I can totally see this being a Xindi-Insectoid / Xindi-Primate hybrid, for example.

Jörg Hillebrand »

The story that started in 's "The Chase"↖️↗️ and was continued in 's "Red Directive"⬇️ will come to an end (?) in the episode with the fitting title "Life, Itself". Can't wait for tomorrow's final episode!

Jörg Hillebrand »

I will never forget watching the first two episodes of in September 2017. I was in St.Louis on a student exchange with our partner school and watched the pilot episodes with my US friends. I can't believe 7 years have already passed and the show ends tomorrow! I will miss Disco!😢

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's a close-up of the beautiful binary black hole graphic, as seen in 's "Lagrange Point". :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

It was really great that we got another Breen undercover episode with 's "Lagrange Point", similar to moments 's "Indiscretion"↙️⬇️ and "What You Leave Behind"↘️. This time we also got to see the "inside-the-suit" shots! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

The very last shot in the opening credits was (like other shots) changed for each season. It seems it features a season-specific background. Season 2 seems to be a star chart (like the red burns map) and season 4 shows Zora. What's seen in the other seasons?

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's a good look at Stamet's equations, used to calculate the maneuver of flying the USS Discovery into the Breen dreadnought shuttlebay in 's "Lagrange Point". What does it all mean?

Jörg Hillebrand »

If you look closely at this (flipped) screenshot from 's "Labyrinths"⬆️ you can see that the device Dr. Culber uses to scan unconscious Michael Burnham ⬇️ is a "neuro tomographer". 👌

Jörg Hillebrand »

The story of beginning at a binary star ("The Vulcan Hello"⬆️ and "Battle at the Binary Stars") and ending at a binary black hole ("Lagrange Point"⬇️ and "Life, Itself") is a beautiful kind of symmetry I totally love! :-) I also adore those FX shots!

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm wondering if the Breen dreadnought in season 5 of ⬅️ is mean to be a through deck carrier, with one continuous shuttlebay/cargobay running through the whole ship. I first read about this in Jackill's Ships of the Fleet vol. II ➡️ as a kid and love the idea!

Jörg Hillebrand »

I have sent David another e-mail, telling him that his emblem was so prominently used in season 5 of but haven't heard back from him yet. If you know David Bilic (aka Zeleni), please let him know! Also, Bernd, can we please turn this into an article? 14/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

In 's "Labyrinths", we also see Dr, Marina Derex' (blurry) curriculum vitae and it reveals...that she is a recipient of the Betazoid Loyalties award - which finally brings our Betazoid emblem story full circle. And what a story it is! :-) 13/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

In 's "Labyrinths", we finally see the actual handwritten manuscript of Dr. Marina Derex' "Labyrinths of the Mind". The Betazoid emblem is prominently embossed on the cover of the book and also appears on several pages inside the tome in a stylized way. 12/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

Turns out that the name of the book is also written on the library card. If you take a look at the letters seen in this graphic from 's "Erigah", you can see that the angular structure in the innermost ring was used as the basis for the Betazoid letters. 11/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

Then a couple of weeks ago, the Betazoid emblem (originally created by David Bilic) was prominently seen on the library card in 's "Erigah". We also find out that a book called "Labyrinths of the Mind" was written by Betazoid Doctor Marina Derex. 10/14

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love that the Betazoid emblem, created by fan David Bilic (aka Zeleni) 17 years ago, has now been seen in three shows: ↖️↗️, ↙️ and ↘️ . Learn the full story and find out why the emblem has come full circle! 1/14 🧵

Jörg Hillebrand »

I have revisited the origins of the Betazoid emblem, so prominently seen in 's "Erigah" and "Labyrinths", and have written up a 14-part post that I will publish later today. I'm very passionate about this, I hope people will like it (and have patience for 14 parts) ! 😅

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Lagrange Point" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love the shot of a semi-transparent cloaked USS Discovery flying past binary black holes in 's "Lagrange Point".

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Lagrange Point spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Here's the Federation space star chart seen in 's "Lagrange Point". I wonder why some plenats get a star and others a larger star in a circle. Also notice Deep Space 9 at the bottom left, right next to Bajor! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

This is the best look we ever got at a member of the Ckaptir species on ! Look at the hair at the tip of the appendages, as seen in "Lagrange Point"! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are all the pages from Marina Derex' "Labyrinths of the Mind" (as seen in 's "Labyrinths") that I was able to decipher. You get a good idea that the book is about Betazoid telepatic and empathic powers and how they see other species without those powers.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Notice how Discovery's nacelles move above the secondary hull to decrease the impact area when the ship flies through the Breen shuttlebay shield in 's "Lagrange Point"! In the penultimate episode, we do see the benefit of those nacelles!😊

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are the six stages of the map to the Progenitor's repository of technology, as seen in the opening credits of season 5 of .

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's a comparison of the two Betazoids fonts that were introduced in 's "Erigah"⬇️ and "Labyrinths"⬆️. The text reads "(The) Labyrinths of the Mind". Notice that the title of the book begins with the additional "The" inside the book but no on the library card.

Jörg Hillebrand »

StarTrekDiscovery Lagrange spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I like that the Breen denote their scientists with a small green Breen emblem on the chest (as seen in 's "Lagrange Point"⬅️) and their medics/doctors with a large Breen emblem ("Erigah"➡️).

Jörg Hillebrand »

Thanks to 's "Lagrange Point", I was also able to decipher the Breen language, as can be seen in these screenshots from the episode. I first recognized "access denied", based on the double consonants and the context and then the rest was easy. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

He's seen only very briefly but there's an Andorian archivist at the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths". :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's the final part of "Labyrinths of the Mind", as seen in 's "Labyrinths", that I was able to decipher. The text again deals with the telepathic and empathic capabilities of Betazoid, lacking in other species.

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love that the logo of the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths", here worn by the Efrosian archivist Hy'Rell, is an open book, as seen from the side. :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Discovery hiding in the more dangerous "red" area of the Badlands in 's "Labyrinths"⬆️ (the same shot was mirrored, zoomed out and used again ➡️) with glimpses of the safe "blue" area reminded me of similar shots in 's "Broken Bow"⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Several books written by Earth author Baroness Emma Orczy (famous for her Scarlet Pimpernell novels) are on display at the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths". You can make out "A Bride of the Plains", "The Divine Folly" and "Eldorado".

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love how over the years, the old Vulcan proverb has been turned upside down by humans ("Star Trek III", 's "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum") until in the 32nd century, even the enemy Breen know it has become the Federation's maxim ("Labyrinths").

Jörg Hillebrand »

I managed to decipher nearly all of Dr. Marina Derex' curriculum vitae, as "seen" in 's "Labyrinths". Fun facts: the was awarded both the Betazoid Loyalties Award ("Remembrance") and the Zee-Magnees Prize ("The Ultimate Computer").

Jörg Hillebrand »

We briefly see a new type of Breen ship inside the larger Breen dreadnought in 's "Labyrinths". Like the much larger ship, this one seems to consist of only one part.

Jörg Hillebrand »

We briefly see a map of the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths"⬆️. It reminds me of the map of the library of the Benedictine abbey in Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose"⬇️. Eco spent much of the time writing the novel at the University of Toronto...

Jörg Hillebrand »

Among the librarians at the Eternal Gallery and Archives in 's "Labyrinths" is a Ckaptir, a background species introduced in season 3 of the show but not yet seen in season 5. Notice the species' six characteristic appendages, three on each side of the head.

Jörg Hillebrand »

I figured many people would love to see what the Betazoid word "imzadi" looks like, written in the new Betazoid font, established in 's "Labyrinths", so here it is. 😊 Maybe you and/or your beloved need this for a birthday card or tattoo. 😅

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here are a few more shots of the Breen dreadnought, as seen in 's "Labyrinths". I think one reason I like the design is that it's just one hull, no detached nacelles or other parts. It's nicely retro and I hope we'll eventually get a model of this massive ship!

Jörg Hillebrand »

Big thanks to @CyrilChakal who managed to track down the two illustrations of minerals from an old edition of Larousse's Dictionary, seen at the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths".

Jörg Hillebrand »

I'm really interested in this book seen in the Eternal Gallery and Archive in 's "Labyrinths". Look at all the colorful pictures, maybe this is not an actual book from the library in Toronto but a prop created for the episode?

Jörg Hillebrand »

I love how Captain Burnham and Captain Picard were both subjected to a nucleonic beam in 's "Labyrinths"⬅️ and 's "The Inner Light"➡️ respectively. Their experiences were very similar so this callback makes total sense!

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's a little more text from the "Labryinths of the Mind" book from 's "Labyrinths". It deals with the consciousness in a rather phliosphical way.

Jörg Hillebrand »

To the art/prop department:
Thank you for putting so much effort into the "Labyrinths of the Mind" prop book. I've had so much fun deciphering the Betazoid language and transcribing the interesting text! Your hard work is noticed and greatly appreciated! 🖖

Jörg Hillebrand »

As aptly stated in @TrekCore's review of 's "Labyrinths", this book is going to be a rather short one, as 's "Homestead" proves... ;-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Labyrinths spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

The ruse and the shot of Discovery seeming to explode after being hit by an enemy beam in 's "Labyrinths"⬆️ reminded me of a similar strategy used with the Hathaway in 's "Peak Performance"⬇️. Both Breen and Ferengi cannot be read by Betazoids...

Jörg Hillebrand »

Between 's "The Loss" in 1990 and the end of in 2005, all we saw of the Breen emblem were these tiny, blurry logos in 's "The Dogs of War"⬆️. Now 's "Labyrinths"⬇️ has given us a full Breen flag - I love it! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's another page from "Labyrinths of the Mind", seen in 's "Labyrinths", that I managed to translate. It talks about how mental illnesses are quickly detected and treated among Betazoids, something other species (like Bolians) can't do. Fascinating!

Jörg Hillebrand »

As the Betazoid language seen in 's "Labyrinths" is based on a simple cipher, I was able to translate almost all the text on this page from "Labyrinths of the Mind". It's an interesting tale of early Betazoid spacefarers encountering non-telepathic aliens.

Jörg Hillebrand »

I spent the last five hours deciphering the Betazoid language in 's "Labyrinths". Somebody put much work into creating the Betazoid font and writing the interesting text. If you only come here to say that you hate that it's a simple cipher, I swear, I'll block you!

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery "Labyrinths" spoilers. [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

The USS Discovery and the USS Defiant entering the Badlands, as seen in 's "Labyrinths"⬆️ and 's "For the Uniform"⬇️.

Brian Tatosky »

Nice to see Disco cracking the top 10 of original streaming shows. I like to think the powers that be pay attention to that.

Jörg Hillebrand »

's "Erigah" was the first time we ever saw Betazoid writing on . The written language is based on the rectangular shape in the middle of the logo featuring the Holy Rings and is a simple cypher, as the second image shows.

Science Blue »

That Starfleet Captain in Disco S5 E8 "Labyrinths" [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Patrick Kwok-Choon was an awesome (temporary) captain today! He posted on Insta what was going on in his real life while filming his time in the chair.

May 16, 2024 Instagram post from Star Trek Discovery actor Patrick Kwok-Choon.

Captain's log, Episode 508: Labyrinths. While I commanded the ship, my wife was bravely in labor back home! A day of dual adventures I'll never forget.

Alt...May 16, 2024 Instagram post from Star Trek Discovery actor Patrick Kwok-Choon. kwok_rock Captain's log, Episode 508: Labyrinths. While I commanded the ship, my wife was bravely in labor back home! A day of dual adventures I'll never forget.

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Labyrinths spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

My absolutely, ABSOLUTELY favourite moment in 's "Labyrinths"↖️↗️ was when Jett Reno made a Hysperian reference, acknowledging the species introduced on ("Where Pleasant Fountains Lie"➡️⬇️). That was hilarious, befitting and sooo overdue! :-)

Brian Tatosky »

Jörg Hillebrand »

In 's "Erigah", I loved this cut from the interior of Starfleet Headquarters, focusing on the triangular pointed Starfleet arrowhead ⬆️ to the exterior shot of the station which, together with the USS Discovery in the foreground, forms a similar triangle ⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

We get a good look at Breen interfaces in 's "Erigah". I love how the "captured Breen refrigeration unit [from] an old Fed HQ storage manifest"⬆️ is slightly more low-tech then the state-of-the-art display on the Breen medic's medical case ⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Closer inspection reveals that the Dresselhaus type ship in 's "Erigah"⬅️ must actually be the USS Lamarr (double -R, see the word length), overruling the USS LaMar (one R) seen in the Eaglemoss Starfleet ship book ➡️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

Here's the graphic that identified the names of the Starfleet ships at the end of 's "Erigah". I've already written about the USS Excalibur and USS Credence but you can also make out the USS Lamar (Dresselhaus type ⬇️) and USS Locherer (Merian-class ↘️) now.

Jörg Hillebrand »

The Badlands, as seen in 's "Erigah"⬆️➡️, 's "Caretaker"↙️ and 's "Blaze of Glory"↘️. Can't wait for further adventures in this region! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

The 32nd century version of the Breen emblem appeared prominently twice in 's "Erigah": in a holographic display early in the episode ⬆️ and on the uniform of the Breen medic ⬇️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

The first episode I ever watched, "The Ark in Space"↖️, featured a Boby Cart and so does the latest, "Space Babies"↙️. Boby Carts appeared regularly on ("Identity Crisis"↗️) and one got a nice kick in 's latest episode "Erigah"↘️. 👌

Jörg Hillebrand »

Hy'Rell, of the Eternal Gallery and Archive, as seen in the clip ↖️ and photos ↗️ from this week's episode "Labyrinths" totally is an Efrosian, right? Like the Saratoga helmsman in "Star Trek IV"↙️ and the Federation President in "Star Trek VI"↘️.

Jörg Hillebrand »

That "Seven of Limes" joke in 's "Erigah"↖️↗️ reminded me of the "Seven of Mine" joke in 's "Someone to Watch Over Me"↙️↘️. I wonder what would happen to Ambassador Kovin if he ever tried a "Seven of Limes"... ;-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Erigah spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Here are all the new shots of the front of the Breen dreadnought that we saw in 's "Erigah". This means what we saw of the ship in "Mirrors (2nd pic) showed the back of the vessel.

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDisovery "Erigah" spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

We get a new side view graphic of the Breen dreadnought (which originally appeared in 's "Face the Strange"⬆️) in "Erigah"➡️⬇️. The rectangular section of the ship is the front, while the larger diamond-shaped area is the back.

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Erigah spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I love this callback to 's "Emissary" (2nd row) and "Way of the Warrior" (3rd row) in 's "Erigah" (1st row). Commander Rayner really knows his and how to fool enemies using thoron emitters and duranium shadows! :-)

Jörg Hillebrand »

#StarTrekDiscovery Erigah spoilers [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

The first Starfleet ship that arrives at the end of 's "Erigah" is the (32nd century) Constitution class USS Excalibur. It's name can barely be made out in a graphic briefly seen just before it arrives. The ship first appeared in "Die Trying" (2nd pic ⬆️).

Jörg Hillebrand »

So far, the name of the Breen weapon of choice, (neural) truncheons, had only been established in the scripts of 's "...Til Death do Us Part"⬅️➡️ and "Strange Bedfellows"↙️↘️ and never said on screen. 's "Erigah↖️↗️" finally made the name canon! :-)

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