Music by J. Rollans
Jonathan M. Rollans
was born September 16, 1980 in Denton Texas.
Started playing guitar at the age of 9 and picked up drums at 16.
Influences range from the Texas standards like Stevie Ray Vaughn to
the grunge days of the Seattle sound. From Burt Bacharach to Slayer
no genre is left un-adventured!
He has played in several bands you've likely never heard of
(Jack Mystery, Bus Hop) and has written more than 200 songs over
the past decade. This latest endeavor is the most distilled and
refined venture yet, Swim, consisting of 12 indie-rock songs with
hints of blues strewn in the mix is inspired by 3 years spent living
in the mountains of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia.
There are currently no plans for touring to support the album,
however if demand exists it certainly would be likely.
This album is therapy, catharsis as it were.
Perhaps you listener can identify with it's moody themes and
bleak outlook all while maintaining that...